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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 26, 2009
I bet this is going to be repetitive, but I don't care. I just started playing WoW on my new 27" iMac, and it is... it's like a whole new experience. It's like I've never REALLY played before. It's so beautiful. The colors are absolutely astounding. And it feels like you can just see SO MUCH. And it's playing without a single hitch. Not a single drop in my frame rate yet. I set my max FPS to 45, and it sticks to that number like glue.

I'm running at 2560x1440, 2x multisampling, every setting maxed except shadows.

I just wanted to let anybody, maybe on the fence about buying one of these machines to casually game, DO IT. You will never regret it, and you will never look back.

WoW... just wow. :D

(27" i7 / 4GB / 2TB / 4850)
I'm glad your happy.

However, WoW is far from a accurate indication of how well games will play on your Mac. Wow's graphics are outdated and old. Even when it came out they weren't cutting edge since it's an MMO.

Try out Crysis. When you get good frame rates with that game, then you can brag. :)

And I would buy an iMac if I just had some more money. :(
They still haven't built the rig that can adequately run Crysis at max settings. It is as poor a benchmark of gaming performance as WoW is, just at the other end of the scale.
I bet this is going to be repetitive, but I don't care. I just started playing WoW on my new 27" iMac, and it is... it's like a whole new experience. It's like I've never REALLY played before. It's so beautiful. The colors are absolutely astounding. And it feels like you can just see SO MUCH. And it's playing without a single hitch. Not a single drop in my frame rate yet. I set my max FPS to 45, and it sticks to that number like glue.

I'm running at 2560x1440, 2x multisampling, every setting maxed except shadows.

I just wanted to let anybody, maybe on the fence about buying one of these machines to casually game, DO IT. You will never regret it, and you will never look back.

WoW... just wow. :D

(27" i7 / 4GB / 2TB / 4850)

I've been doing this with a homebuilt PC for nearly two years now...

It's never been a good idea to recommend Macs for casual gamers. You get way more performance for the money with self-built PC's provided you have the know how to set it all up.

Also, jump into Dalaran on a high traffic time in the evening and you'll see though numbers plummet.

By the way, casual gaming on a computer generally doesn't fall into the $2,249.00 MSRP price bracket for a computer (based on your specs if you ordered BTO from

I'm happy that you're happy with your purchase. But I would definitely disagree that this is a viable option for people that are "casual" pc gamers.
Don't listen to the haters.

I've been doing this with a homebuilt PC for nearly two years now...

It's never been a good idea to recommend Macs for casual gamers. You get way more performance for the money with self-built PC's provided you have the know how to set it all up.

Also, jump into Dalaran on a high traffic time in the evening and you'll see though numbers plummet.

By the way, casual gaming on a computer generally doesn't fall into the $2,249.00 MSRP price bracket for a computer (based on your specs if you ordered BTO from

I'm happy that you're happy with your purchase. But I would definitely disagree that this is a viable option for people that are "casual" pc gamers.

That's awesome man, don't let all of these naysayers bring you down. It doesn't matter how wonderful of a computer you have, people are always going to try to bring you down. Either they cannot afford it and are jealous of you, or they just have to put someone else down to make them feel better about theirselves. I'm waiting till black friday to see what kind of deal I can get. Then I will emptymy savings and do the same as you. Congrats on your new toy.
Alot of people instantly say a computer isn't a gaming computer when it can't play Crysis at 1080p with 8x AA...Most people are not expecting to play games like that.

I'm a composer for moving image, and can't wait to get my hands on more screen real estate, double the RAM I have now and a quad core processor. It's going to speed up my work in Logic and allow me to handle more sample libraries.

I don't own a TV, so the iMac 27 is ideal for my movie watching/internet TV needs. In the UK you can watch most channels online for free.

I have played games on the computer for as long as I can remember. Am I getting an iMac to play games? No. I'm getting it as my sole computer, and then will play games on it as well.

I play Company of Heroes, Left4Dead, stuff like that. I don't really care about AA or shadows. When there is a million things going on on the screen I don't notice that stuff anyway. The point is, the iMac can handle games for the person who just wants to have some fun. The stick WoW gets for not being a new game is sort of mute - most people playing games on a Mac will be playing Wow so it still is a very valid and relevant observation.

If I spend 500 dollars less and got an awesome gaming computer, I'd be missing a few things for my music production, notably OSX and Logic!
If my year old Alu macbook late 2008 can run wow really well, I'm sure the i7 will blow it away. Some people in this thread clearly have not played WoW on a decent computer to know that the i7 will be a perfect machine for it

Thanks OP for the review, very excited about playing WoW on my i7
I have tried it too (iMac i7). Just for the hell of it I turned all settings (including shadows and those other full-screen-effects, whatever they are called) to max and ran it in fullscreen at native resolution.

I agree with the original poster - WOW! Very sweet experience. Didn't experience any screenlag / low fps or similar - and I did a full 25 man raid for a few hours, so the fps was solid not only when standing and looking into a wall :). I'm not sure exactly what framerate I had, but 50+ in dalaran I believe, and more everywhere else.

I believe the screen makes a lot of the experience, it's really awesome on a 27". I know I'll be happy using it for WoW, that's for sure.
I will also say that these haters can be ignored. I quit wow a while back but the wife still has an account. I signed in and turned up all the settings to max, exited the game and came back in so that all settings were in effect. In dalaran I was getting about 65fps, in SW i was getting around 140fps.

What some people don't know about wow is that it is more cpu intensive rather than graphics. anyways, I am glad that you are enjoying wow, it is a dangerously addictive game! I am going to hold off till the new xpac or diablo 3 before i get back into a game like that.

WoW really does look amazing on the i7 though!
Try out Crysis. When you get good frame rates with that game, then you can brag. :)

Crysis is a poor measure of gaming. It is a badly coded game that really isn't very fun to play. It's nothing more than an expensive tech demo. Even the new 5970, the newest and best graphics card can't manage to run Crysis smoothly at 2560x1600 with all settings maxed out and that card is two generations newer than those that were shipping when Crysis was released.
Last night I did a quick video of 25man ToC on my i7. I used the Mac ingame recording that WoW offers. You can see my FPS at the bottom was around 30-60 during the fight.

I've been seeing some crazy fps numbers like 100-200+ Also I get 50-70fps in Dalaraan and I'm on a really popular server. Ill post more videos later
Last night I did a quick video of 25man ToC on my i7. I used the Mac ingame recording that WoW offers. You can see my FPS at the bottom was around 30-60 during the fight.

I've been seeing some crazy fps numbers like 100-200+ Also I get 50-70fps in Dalaraan and I'm on a really popular server. Ill post more videos later

Youtube alerts me that this video is private. Can I get in without a bow tie? :p
I bet this is going to be repetitive, but I don't care. I just started playing WoW on my new 27" iMac, and it is... it's like a whole new experience. It's like I've never REALLY played before. It's so beautiful. The colors are absolutely astounding. And it feels like you can just see SO MUCH. And it's playing without a single hitch. Not a single drop in my frame rate yet. I set my max FPS to 45, and it sticks to that number like glue.

I'm running at 2560x1440, 2x multisampling, every setting maxed except shadows.

I just wanted to let anybody, maybe on the fence about buying one of these machines to casually game, DO IT. You will never regret it, and you will never look back.

WoW... just wow. :D

(27" i7 / 4GB / 2TB / 4850)

Hey mate,

Just a quick question, do you get flickering / blackscreens while playing wow?

I got the same 27" yesterday as you except for a 1TB drive and after being in wow for about 15 min I started getting flickering/artifecting followed by intermittent black screens. So kinda gutted.

Have you experienced any of this while playing wow? I assume you have done some long sessions? I am just wondering if I should get a replacement or a refund till this is all sorted
Last night I did a quick video of 25man ToC on my i7. I used the Mac ingame recording that WoW offers. You can see my FPS at the bottom was around 30-60 during the fight.

I've been seeing some crazy fps numbers like 100-200+ Also I get 50-70fps in Dalaraan and I'm on a really popular server. Ill post more videos later

Are all your setting on max except for shadows? Cause I move between 30-50
Well, even thought WoW is one of the most popular games of all time, I've seen the graphics, and they're nothing to be that proud of.

I mean, a system from a couple years ago could easily run it.

However, I am glad that you like it :)

I personally, never got into it. I'm actually not a gamer on my computer at all, I prefer xbox live.

But yeah, just saying, if you actually want to see what your machine can handle, play a real game like COD or Quake.

WoW is really minimal when it comes to graphics, the reason for that is because they want people from all around the world to play it, which actually is happening, except for China lol. They won't boost up the graphics, because not everyone has a nice computer laying around at home. And if they made the overall graphics more standard and make it look like a modern game, they would loose some serious number of players
I'm really looking forward to raiding when mine arrives next week!

Got Dragon Age Origins sitting waiting to be played too.

I've had several "i hope it turns up with a cracked screen!" comments from jealous people :)
i wish Guild Wars would be adapted to Mac

i hate paying subscriptions for Wow once you've already paid a certain amount for having the game...
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