i have a 2008 mac pro 2xQuad 2.8 GHz 4GB RAM
I just upgraded from nvidia 285 to ati 5870. The FPS in Starcraft 2
did not go up. Its almost exactly the same.
I was suprised so i check the CPU usage.
Its at 115% (of 800, 100 per core)
spred out over the cores. So the CPU doesnt seem to be the problem.
There are over 1 GB free of RAM,
little disk and network usage.
I run 10.6.6 it was just reinstalled before the upgrade.
No other download avalible.
I tried reinstalling SC2, same.
Any ideas?
i have a 2008 mac pro 2xQuad 2.8 GHz 4GB RAM
I just upgraded from nvidia 285 to ati 5870. The FPS in Starcraft 2
did not go up. Its almost exactly the same.
I was suprised so i check the CPU usage.
Its at 115% (of 800, 100 per core)
spred out over the cores. So the CPU doesnt seem to be the problem.
There are over 1 GB free of RAM,
little disk and network usage.
I run 10.6.6 it was just reinstalled before the upgrade.
No other download avalible.
I tried reinstalling SC2, same.
Any ideas?