Could someone tell me if this still works:
Get a 2D dock in Lion
Just like Snow Leopard, and in spite of the new no indicator lights option, Lion can get a 2D dock. To enable it, type the following in the Terminal: defaults write no-glass -boolean YES (without quotes) then killall Dock (again, no quotes) to immediately restart the dock and enjoy your new 2D effect. To change it back to 3D, replace YES in the first string with NO, and repeat the same procedure.
Get a 2D dock in Lion
Just like Snow Leopard, and in spite of the new no indicator lights option, Lion can get a 2D dock. To enable it, type the following in the Terminal: defaults write no-glass -boolean YES (without quotes) then killall Dock (again, no quotes) to immediately restart the dock and enjoy your new 2D effect. To change it back to 3D, replace YES in the first string with NO, and repeat the same procedure.