I highly recommend not to upgrade to 3.0 and jailbreak. I have a 2g and have nothing but problems with 3.0, at first loading up cydia it was flickering with the apple logo, fine restart didn't have the problem, but for some reason I felt like something horrible was gonna happen.
I deleted a couple apps to free up space on my phone, and I put winterboard back on but the icon was my previously deleted app, but winterboard was there and working fine.
I put most of my apps back on and this morning I was listening to iHeartradio and it wasn't picking a good signal, so I restarted my phone and it keeps rebooting itself. It never got back to springboard.
So I restored it in DFU mode, did the jailbreak, and restored with my
previous backup(that worked fine) and all my messages are gone all my contacts are gone all my pictures are gone! So I restore again making sure I didn't mistakinly click set up as new phone and yet again the same problem happened again. I didn't it once more with another backup and all I got was my pictures. Thankfully I backed up my contacts on my PC. But ita really irratring not to have my messges there.
You know the CAPS button, you know how to quickly double click it and CAPS is on, yeah each time I jailbreak and restore, it seems likes apple removed that feature? Anyone with that proble
Finally I my first app I put on there is MLB At Bat, I open it up and guess what, my phone is rebooting itself, and I only upgrading cydia and installed openSHH and winterboard.
This has been by far the worst experience I've had with this phone. I am really frustrated with everything now, I've been ticked off before but I knew what was going on, but this redsn0w and 3.0 is annoying. I recommend to stay with 2.2.x and wait until like 3.1 comes out, let cydia and redsn0w upgrade and settle down.
I know there are threads on some of my issues but I'm really frustrated and I wanna vent thank you.
I deleted a couple apps to free up space on my phone, and I put winterboard back on but the icon was my previously deleted app, but winterboard was there and working fine.
I put most of my apps back on and this morning I was listening to iHeartradio and it wasn't picking a good signal, so I restarted my phone and it keeps rebooting itself. It never got back to springboard.
So I restored it in DFU mode, did the jailbreak, and restored with my
previous backup(that worked fine) and all my messages are gone all my contacts are gone all my pictures are gone! So I restore again making sure I didn't mistakinly click set up as new phone and yet again the same problem happened again. I didn't it once more with another backup and all I got was my pictures. Thankfully I backed up my contacts on my PC. But ita really irratring not to have my messges there.
You know the CAPS button, you know how to quickly double click it and CAPS is on, yeah each time I jailbreak and restore, it seems likes apple removed that feature? Anyone with that proble
Finally I my first app I put on there is MLB At Bat, I open it up and guess what, my phone is rebooting itself, and I only upgrading cydia and installed openSHH and winterboard.
This has been by far the worst experience I've had with this phone. I am really frustrated with everything now, I've been ticked off before but I knew what was going on, but this redsn0w and 3.0 is annoying. I recommend to stay with 2.2.x and wait until like 3.1 comes out, let cydia and redsn0w upgrade and settle down.
I know there are threads on some of my issues but I'm really frustrated and I wanna vent thank you.