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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2009
Upgraded my 2g Pwned iPhone to iPhone 3.0 software a couple of days ago.

I've heard other places that people are having battery life issues with the new iPhone 3.0 software on both 2g & 3g phones.

I got exactly the same thing on my first gen 2g. Ever since, my battery life is about 6 hours, the phone is always dead when I wake up in the morning.

It also doesn't seem to ever charge past 75%. I can leave it there in the dock for 8 hours, and is still not giving a full-battery reading.

It also has problems receiving certain calls. Especially land lines!!

Been trying to "downgrade" but with no luck. Been putting the phone into recovery mode, then using the alt-click on restore button to recover from my previous software, but iTunes just delivers an error message....

What a nightmare....

I've now switched off WIFI and PUSH email.

This seems to have to sorted the issue of receiving calls.

The battery still will not fully charge....

I've seen some other posts where people are getting irate that others expect amazing battery results from what is basically a pocket Mac.

I understand this, and I don't expect amazing battery life.

But when I install an update, it would be nice if the damn thing was better than (or at least the same as) it was before!

If anyone has any ideas on how I can downgrade, or how long we need to wait for a new update... I'd really appreciate any help..!!

I had the same problems and a full restore seems to have fixed it. However, you' won't then be able to load your back up with settings etc, because the same problem then reappeared. Although this might seem to be a pain, it wasn't too bad for me, contacts are external in address book, photos the same in iphoto, apps and playlists are still in itunes, so you don't really lose a lot.

Many thanks richardp2020!!!

I have fully restored, but "set up as new iPhone", rather than from pervious backup.

It seems to receive calls just fine now, and I've managed to charge it slightly more...

BUT... it still doesn't won't indicate a FULL charge. It's been on now for a good 30 mins. It's stuck on about 90%.

I haven't synced any data, music or apps yet, or put in all my mail settings, etc.. Want to see if this will work first.

I'll keep it on charge and see what happens and keep posting.

Thanks again for the advice!
Problems fixed!!!! (for now...)

OK.. so after nearly two hours of hanging on 90% battery (!) it is now indicating a full charge. Yippeee!

All phone/text/email incoming and outgoing are back to normal, and the settings all seem to work.

Do I dare now install any apps? Or is that going to ruin all the hard work?

Thanks again richardp2020 for your help on this.

Just thought I'd do an update here...

After two weeks everything is running sweet. Also, a complete turnaround on the battery life. I'm now getting MUCH improved battery life from the previous software version.

I'd recommend this update to any 2g iPhone user, even with the hassle of nuking the phone and starting again with settings. It's much faster, everything runs better and the battery life has almost doubled.

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