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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 1, 2009
Orlando, Fl
quick dumb question... whats the difference between the 2g iphone and the iphone 3g? i have a iphone 3g i think fw 2.2 BB 2.28.00. i know the original iphone has the grey back, i have an 8g iphone with a black plastic back which i believe to be an iphone 3g. Its already Jailbroken and unlocked. i really WANT 3.0 for the landscape texting. right now im just waiting on ultrasn0w so i can keep my unlock status but ive seen threads saying that redsn0w can unlock 2g iphones but not 3g phones so im a bit confused.
how do i know which one i have tho? im pretty sure i have a 3.5mm headphone jack because thats what i use to connect my iphone to my cd deck. i have a "maps" app which i guess is what you mean by gps. i dont know if it has a 3g chip in it because its unlocked for tmobile so i dont get 3g anyways. is there any other solid way to tell if its a 2g or 3g? like a serial number or something in the settings?
either way, since i have a 2.28.00 BB, can i just download a custom 3.0 FW file that won't update my BB and the phone will still be unlocked and running 3.0?
how do i know which one i have tho? im pretty sure i have a 3.5mm headphone jack because thats what i use to connect my iphone to my cd deck. i have a "maps" app which i guess is what you mean by gps. i dont know if it has a 3g chip in it because its unlocked for tmobile so i dont get 3g anyways. is there any other solid way to tell if its a 2g or 3g? like a serial number or something in the settings?

iPhone 1st Gen (2G) left
iPhone 2nd Gen (3G) right

Hope this helps! :D


  • iPhone2G-vs-iPhone3G.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 70
i have both the 2g and 3G, and i feel like that the 3g is fastter than then 2g in opening up app
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