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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 13, 2009
Is anyone here going to go with the 2TB option if that's available? I plan on using a macbook pro for massive amounts of video editing, but from what I heard, I should be editing footage held in an external drive, but not sure what the reasoning is for that. Did any of you ever struggle with space with the 1TB option?


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
Is anyone here going to go with the 2TB option if that's available? I plan on using a macbook pro for massive amounts of video editing, but from what I heard, I should be editing footage held in an external drive, but not sure what the reasoning is for that. Did any of you ever struggle with space with the 1TB option?

Reason being is backups and archives. You should store your files on external drives, transferring stuff to your computer as needed.

However, with USB-C and the speeds it can deliver, working on larger files would probably be easier to use external. Only using internal drive for smaller projects. If it's just 3-5 minute videos you're making, 1TB should be enough as a working drive (2TB if you can afford it as files increase in size all the time). If it's longer videos then you might want the convenience of a larger internal drive, but you'd have to ask yourself how much you're willing to pay for that convenience.

Either way you'll end up with a lot of external drives for backups.

Edit: If 2TB drives are even an option... If they are no doubt you'll be paying a huge amount for it. Honestly, look at the file sizes of the project files you're working with. Double it to give you some headroom.

Bryan Bowler

macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2008
I do a lot of heavy-duty video work. See my sig for my solution: a Thunderbay 20 TB RAID 5 solution. Ultra-fast and will only set you back about $1,200 at today's prices. You'll have to wait to buy until they update it to Thunderbolt 3, but you'll get way more value than paying for a 2 TB upgrade.


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
I plan on using a macbook pro for massive amounts of video editing, but from what I heard, I should be editing footage held in an external drive, but not sure what the reasoning is for that.

If I understand it correctly, this 'rule' exists because people were using HDDs earlier and HDDs are not really suited for accessing data in parallel. So if you have some heavy reads and writes on your system drive, the entire thing will slow down. By moving the data to an external disk, you can use both disks more efficiently. Of course, with SSDs its not really an issue anymore. I still think that having an external drive for this kind of work has its benefits, but its more about organisation/sharing etc. Also makes you a bit more flexible.

P.S. On the topic of backups, you can (and probably) exclude the folder where you keep your currently edited stuff.
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