Don't believe naysayers, SLI is doable in Mac Pro in WIndows 7.
I have SLI'd GTX470s in Mac Pro, I have even Tri-SLI'd GTX285s in a Mac Pro.
You use the SLI Hack and play around with Nvidia drivers til you find one that works.
To run 3 cards, you ditch drives 2, 3 and 4 and remove bracket from card & BINGO there is space. (Where is TB when you need it?)
GTX580 is supported in move would be to use them.
Then you could SLI 2 of them in Windows, and use them as separate cards in OSX.
I know you mentioned GTX590 but I don't recall if those have been tried in OSX. If so, it is likely that only 1 core shows up in OSX. Try reading up at InsanelyMac. They are using Hackintoshes for most part but they at least don't spend days pontificating possibilities from the safety of the couch and a Newegg catalog...they actually get the gear and TRY it out. (only way to get REAL answers) If it can be done on a Hack, it can PROBABLY be done on a Mac...though some of the details may change and you may have to turn your brain on and think for yourself a touch.
You WILL need extra power. Newegg had something called Booster-X that worked pretty well...but you will need to drill some holes.
Tri-SLI was not as big a gain as SLI since 3rd card had to go down in lanes.
But I will say this, I tried Crossfire with 2 @ 4870s and Crysis felt a 20-30% increase in frames. (year ago or more)
When I did SLI with 470's, I got around an 80-90% increase, scaled very well and much more effective. (2-3 months ago)
The external solutions from Cubix & Cyclone are nice, but VERY expensive. And ultimately, they are using a software "magic trick" to stuff lanes where there aren't any so they do reach saturation at a point.
Water cooling would get the cards down to single slot, but that is a whole 'nother engineering challenge with ZERO room for mistakes.
The GTX580s can be made to work with just ATY_Init and perhaps adding device id to a kext or two.
If you used GTX480s with EFI, you could avoid that bother.
I'm not sure if I will ever figure out EFI for GTX5xx cards, much more involved than GTX4xx and nobody ever wants to help until you are done, then everyone is eager. (once the work is 99% completed)
What it boils down to is how serious you are. If you have a wad'o'cash burning a hole in your pocket and some time, intelligence, and patience you can SLI some GTX580s for some serious power.
If you have nothing but a desire to stir up the "It can't be done, now behave like the rest of the herd and live with the 3 GPU options the rest of us settle for" crowd, well, you've already done that, haven't you?