I just updated and jailbroke with redsnow, not I can't get 5 icon dock working, reflection working, heck even sbsettings is being a bitch. Whats the deal and is there any fix yet or anyone else with the problem
Always wait....... in fact there is a thread just below yours about the same thing going on.... Next time you know. Always wait when your phone is j/b... some may think different, but if you don't want to have redo etc...
OP I too have hit a few snags with 3.0.1 but actually less than I thought I would considering redsn0w was not designed to it. I think I will keep it as is until saurik releases his Sms vulnerability patch in Cydia then return to 3.0 and run that. This is by far the worst thing about jailbreaking, worrying about updates and which firmware to run, thankfully there are sooo many benefts.