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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 2, 2009
plz guys i still dunt know why people want to upgrade to 3.0
apart from the many good things apple will offer you ( hahaha )
that is a lot of roadblocks and dead ends (example) the 2.30 baseband upgrade so u cant even unlock ur iphone anymore.

what does the upgrade mean for crack apps ( i know we hate to talk abt them but someone has to ask this question ) after all we jailbreak to enjoy crack apps
not to look at the pretty iphone :D

other advantages/ disadvantages plzzz guys .... this will help ppl like me make up my mind ..... thxxxxxxxxx

Sorry guys i changed the title...i meant to say why shud I get 3.0 jailbreak???
plz guys i still dunt know why people want to upgrade to 3.0
apart from the many good things apple will offer you ( hahaha )
that is a lot of roadblocks and dead ends (example) the 2.30 baseband upgrade so u cant even unlock ur iphone anymore.

what does the upgrade mean for crack apps ( i know we hate to talk abt them but someone has to ask this question ) after all we jailbreak to enjoy crack apps
not to look at the pretty iphone :D

other advantages/ disadvantages plzzz guys .... this will help ppl like me make up my mind ..... thxxxxxxxxx

English is your friend don't be afraid to use it.
i went from jailbroken to 3.0 and my cracked apps no longer work.

That's because the cracked mobileinstallation file that allows for cracked apps doesn't work in 3.0. There will be another one made it will just take a little time.
That's because the cracked mobileinstallation file that allows for cracked apps doesn't work in 3.0. There will be another one made it will just take a little time.

true...but some may still not work unless compatible with 3.0 right?
Wirelessly posted (Brandon's iPod: Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

not everyone jailbreaks to get cracked apps. i jailbreak to unlock certain prefrences like emoji and numerical battery. I am highly against craked apps. it was people downloading psp games for free that ruined psp. game developors stopped making as much games for the psp because they weren't making enough money off of them because a lot of people stole the games. I would hate to see this happen to the App Store but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
The only reason I Jailbreak my iPhone is to change the SMS tone. I absolutely cannot stand that Apple won't let us use our own tone. I don't even have any Cydia apps on my phone. 5 icon dock is nice too.
that is a lot of roadblocks and dead ends (example) the 2.30 baseband upgrade so u cant even unlock ur iphone anymore.

Ultrasn0w will be coming out which will be able to unlock ALL iPhone 3Gs released thus far, so this isn't an issue at all.
i think my question is misunderstood

why jailbreak to 3.0 fm <<< i meant if someone did jailbroke to 2.0 firmwares . What are the new features that will attract you to jailbroke to 3.0 firmware

Is it worth it ? at this point where new versions always means you might do something irreversible to your iphone which would affect you later on.
I went ahead and upgraded to 2.2.1 by mistake and now i cannot unlock the phone to use Tmobile as a carrier.

My friend keeps saying to me oh i have the newest 3.0 firmware and i was like what is the big deal u connect ur iphone to itunes and u have the newest 3.0 fm. No big deal. It would be a big deal for me to have cydia, crack apps and other stuff that comes with jailbreaking and have the newest 3.0 fm. But i keep thinking there is a catch to it... ok im paranoid now after the baseband upgrade thing haha

OK im all for giving credit where it is due ( app makers ) they deserve their money ... but someone has to keep companies like Apple/At&t in order before the monopolize gazillions of dollars from u like AOL did. My mom still uses AOL and i get so mad at her. This is back in the days where you were calling AOL constantly bcuz u cudnt connect and they were charging u good amount of money and lousy lousy pathetic service (why ?) bcuz they had no competition.
Well talking about pirate (cracked) apps is banned on this site, and using them is unethical, so......I'm glad they don't work........and please refrain from discussing pirate apps on this site.:mad:

UNETHICAL? It's just a phone...? They're just apps...?
What I love is all the people who say this about cracked apps yet they download music, movies, etc.

Ha! Exactly. I mentioned this in a previous topic a few months back.
MacRumors had a quiet word with me in the showers for 'trolling'.
i think my question is misunderstood

why jailbreak to 3.0 fm <<< i meant if someone did jailbroke to 2.0 firmwares . What are the new features that will attract you to jailbroke to 3.0 firmware

Is it worth it ? at this point where new versions always means you might do something irreversible to your iphone which would affect you later on.
I went ahead and upgraded to 2.2.1 by mistake and now i cannot unlock the phone to use Tmobile as a carrier.

Stability, updates, etc. You should still be able to have an unlocked 3.0 phone. Also, as I found out by experience, you have to upgrade or you will be blocked from downloading/upgrading certain appstore apps. I stayed on 2.2 because I didn't want to deal with the hassle for 2.2.1, not compelling enough. Anyway, most apps on appstore are ok, but I definitely run across some that prevent a download saying they require 2.2.1.
I only want to jailbreak my 3.0 because I'm unable to upgrade to 3GS until february and I'm tired of not having video record. so, I'm eager for that
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