I have had the 16gb wifi since launch, and have yet to have any issues connecting. We have the old single band time capsule and an old linksys router. I never had any issue with this, nor do I know of anyone that has this problem. Maybe this a very minor issue that a select few are having trouble with. If so why spend time and resources on a minor problem when they have much bigger issues to deal with?
What percentage of people do you think actually are having this issue? It could just be an issue with certain third party routers with old firmware. I am not an apologist by any means, but do you think apple has the manpower to check to make sure every third party router works perfectly with their product? I had to return my iphone 4 due to their terrible design flaws, now that is an issue that needs to be fixed asap. Software is just going to hide their problem, good software cannot fix horrible hardware.
What is going on in your house means absolutely nothing to the people who are having these problems in their house, or favorite coffee house, or work, etc, etc. Telling us all that your iPad has given you none of these issues is truly a waste of time.
I can assure you this problem has nothing to do with old firmware on routers, because the router I use every day at my home is a very common D-Link router and the firmware is most definitely up to date.
Yes, you do sound like an apologist to me, even if you don't think so. Instead of asking if Apple has the manpower to test the iPad with every router, why not ask why the heck this problem doesn't exist on my iPhone, or my iMac, etc, etc, etc? This problem simply never should have existed to begin with, so as a paying customer it's not really my concern how the iPad wifi got screwed up. Apple simply needs to fix it ASAP.
Also, it certainly could make you wonder if the iPad wifi troubles are hardware related. Just as we've seen with the iPhone 4, Apple certainly isn't going to admit it if the iPad has design flaws with it's wifi antenna.
That's not what I said. Apple just doesn't have the engineering manpower to fix everything as fast as you want it fixed (along with designing new products). I would agree that right now the iPad wifi issue seems like a lower priority but it will get fixed eventually. Everyone wants their problem to be the top priority but unfortunately, someone has to be the lowest priority.
Again, as a CUSTOMER I don't really care about Apple's "manpower" issues. If they don't have enough staff to support a product they're selling, shame on them, they weren't prepared to sell that product in the first place. They've already got my $600 for the iPad, and like I said earlier, it should be their #1 priority to make things work right for their customers who have already paid them. Apple is playing in the big boy world now, where people have to take responsibility for their screw ups. You talk about this like the company consists of a bunch of charitable friends who got together and released a shareware program, and I'm demanding too much of them.