I have an iPhone 6 plus 128GB and have around 5GB free. I was using iCloud photos for a long while and I was constantly running into low space on my phone even though I had the optimize storage option enabled. I have turned off iCloud photos all together and deleted all of the photos off my phone. Now when I plug the phone into iTunes its reporting that i have 30+GB of other taking up space. i assume this is all of the photos that I deleted and that they are sitting in some sort of virtual trashcan. This was over a month ago and it is still there. There are no other applications that are taking up this space. Ive tried everything short of restoring the phone and would prefer not to as I have 7 months of activity and health data that I don't want to loose. If I do end up restoring and choose to restore from an encrypted backup will the other storage come back or will it be wiped?