3D video is just a way of displaying a 2D picture so that each eye can get it's own picture. Your brain puts 2 pictures together to perceive the 3D effect. It's not a real 3D picture.
If you think about this very, very simply, it could go like this: recall being in a 3D movie and peeking over the glasses. What did you see? A blurry picture (or a little deeper into the past you saw weird ghosting of red & green for the 3D effect with old-time 3D glasses). In both cases, the video was 2D- just like any other movie- but it was the blurred imagery plus the glasses that led to the trick of apparent 3D. The same blur approach should work just fine on a smaller screen such as a TV (which is why we occasionally get 3D with glasses (required) episodes of some TV shows).
So, if you ripped a video "blurred" for 3D purposes, then the resulting movie should not be that different than any other movie- just not watchable without the special glasses and an appropriate TV. With that in mind, I would speculate that the

TV could deliver a 3D movie just fine (because it is still a 2D movie to the hardware).
However, all that said, I suspect that new 3D standard will involve new hardware (and we already know it involves new TVs), probably aiming to create an even more disconnected set of images for each eye. My suspicions are that a great deal of the filmmaker enthusiasm for 3D has a lot more to do with piracy prevention than the end result experience of 3D. After all these blurry movies don't look very good on the camcorder video captured by pirates, nor can pirates smuggle a 3D camcorder- if one exists- into a 3D movie and steal the show. More simply: if all films go to 3D, it seems that it will be a great way to minimize the theft of movies by camcorder pirates.