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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 7, 2008
I recently jailbroke my iPhone 3G, which is currently running jailbroken (thru pwnage tool) 3.0 firmware. Since when I jailbroke it, I've been unable to use 3G, however the 3G icon is still in the menubar, and I'm able to use wi-fi. Any ideas on what it might be or how to fix it?

I just found that even though #G doesn't work, EDGE does...
When you jailbreak it through pwnage tool, go to expert mode, and then find your ispw and then click general and make sure you UNCHECK "Activate The Phone" You do not need that because you have AT&T service and the phone already can be activated on its own whether or not you have a data plan. That feature is for people without AT&T or with the 1st generation iPhone. I made the mistake of having that option checked and finding out I could never get service at all.
so i have the same problem, everything was working great last nite, then this morning i have no internet connection, but when i turn wifi on, everything works great.

did you ever find out a fix to your problem, this blows.
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