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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 12, 2009
Wow' been quite a morning.

I awoke today to find that my 5 gig iPad data plan purchased last month had expired, and was surprised to see that I had an email from Rogers telling me that my iPad data plan had automatically renewed, and it provided me all the details. I did note that Rogers policy is to automatically renew my plan and that I have an option to opt out. Okaaaay.

I returned back to my iPad later this morning, to find that I had 12 notifications of successful iPad data plans renewals. A phone call to the billing department confirmed that I was being billed each and very time the email had been sent to me.

I naturally thought this was an issue within the Rogers billing department, but after being billed 30 times for my renewal, and having been passed around to various departments for and hour and 15 minutes, his is what has been resolved: diddly squat!!

A "ticket" has been created noting the problem, and a refund is being put through on my Visa card for the total amount of this snafu (30x $39.95) but other than removing my credit card number from their system to avoid continual billings, there is nothing that Rogers can do at hhis time I am told.

So I have a 32G wifi + 3G iPad that can now be used only via wifi???? Rogers is blaming this problem on Apple, and says that Apple is aware of this issue, and "working on it" but this sounds sketchy to me.

Have any other iPad owners with a 3G enabled model experienced this issue? Has anybody with another service provider had this issue?
Ok. Good to hear that other countries have monopolies that suck the blood out of the consumer, give shoddy business, and are protected by the government...:rolleyes:
And here I was complaining that Bell still doesn't have an app to manage the data plans. They cancel at end of 30 days and you have to call back to renew - probably a good thing.
And here I was complaining that Bell still doesn't have an app to manage the data plans. They cancel at end of 30 days and you have to call back to renew - probably a good thing.

Yes it is. Because I paid my $15 to Bell for a plan that never worked. I was on the phone with them for hours, we never did get my iPad working on their 3G. Their final word was to go back to Best Buy and exchange it, because perhaps the iPad was defective.

I did go back to Best Buy. I didn't exchange the iPad -- I bought a Telus SIM instead. Worked perfectly from the start. And it was twice the data for only a few dollars more ($20 for 500 megs) and they're offering a promotional 5 gigs/month until August.
Yes it is. Because I paid my $15 to Bell for a plan that never worked. I was on the phone with them for hours, we never did get my iPad working on their 3G. Their final word was to go back to Best Buy and exchange it, because perhaps the iPad was defective.

I did go back to Best Buy. I didn't exchange the iPad -- I bought a Telus SIM instead. Worked perfectly from the start. And it was twice the data for only a few dollars more ($20 for 500 megs) and they're offering a promotional 5 gigs/month until August.

That's strange, my Bell data plan worked within 10min of activating it. Does Telus have iPad app subscription or do you have to call to activate? I'll give them a try next.
So I have a 32G wifi + 3G iPad that can now be used only via wifi???? Rogers is blaming this problem on Apple, and says that Apple is aware of this issue, and "working on it" but this sounds sketchy to me.

Have any other iPad owners with a 3G enabled model experienced this issue? Has anybody with another service provider had this issue?

I activated my 3G with Rogers at the end of May, and then immediately 'cancel the plan' (which merely canceled the auto renewal). The 3G service continued for the 30 days, and expired a few days ago. No charges were made. To answer your question, you can buy the plan, and then cancel it immediately, until all the bugs have been worked out.
That's strange, my Bell data plan worked within 10min of activating it. Does Telus have iPad app subscription or do you have to call to activate? I'll give them a try next.

Sadly, they're a call-in-to-setup deal too. I think only Rogers has the ability to control the subscription directly from the iPad.

At least with Telus, it auto-renews each month.
Has anyone compared latency and download/upload speed on Rogers vs Bell vs Telus?

I have 2 iPads. In Vancouver I find Bell to be faster and lower latency than Rogers but Rogers must be using a lower frequency like 850MHz because whenever I get into a building with lots of steel and concrete, Rogers will maintain a connection where Bell drops out. I called Bell and was told they are using 850MHz but I doubt it, at least in Vancouver. I was going to switch my other iPad to Rogers as well but given the billing problem reported I've actually cancelled the auto-renew that's coming up ... just in case.
I'm just outside of Toronto and tried Rogers as the Best Buy where I bought my iPad only had Rogers sims on release day. The setup was great and it worked immediately but the signal and speed was horrible. I never did receive a 3g signal, the best was Edge which seemed about as fast as dialup.
I cancelled that plan and picked up a Telus sim. Couldn't get it to work because the Rogers information was totally overriding all carrier information on the iPad even with a network reset, reboot, etc. you name it. Telus rep (nice chap), after exhausting everything else he and his manager could think of advised me to do a system restore as the last resort. That worked until I restored a backup and then Rogers was back. Restored and set up as a new iPad and then the Telus was able to get through and boy is it fast in my area.
Tonight when I synced it changed the carrier to Rogers AGAIN and I lost the Telus signal, grrr. Just finished another restore to factory condition and got the Telus back. I went into Finder, library, iTunes and deleted Rogers from the carrier folder and have now backed up and resynced a couple of times to test it. So far so good. If anyone knows where else on a Mac system that the ipad could be holding onto Rogers info let me know so I can delete it for good.
Thanks for the info on Telus auto renewing, I forgot to ask and with all the other problems getting it to work they forgot to tell me.
My iPad is on Rogers and I'm all over Calgary with it. No problems so far. Speeds are adequate for email and Facebook. I wouldn't stream movies though...
wow your credit card company sucks if they let 30 consecutive charges for the same amount go through without a red flag.
rogers...ugghhh. no 3g on my ipad

i reported this 2 weeks ago and they assured me it would be working within 48 hours. been on the phone after 2 weeks for 30 minutes talking to someone in india that has asked me all the same questions over again. took 10 minutes to get to the person in india. so ridiculous. if i could can rogers, i would. anyone know of a working 3g plan for ipad?

Wow' been quite a morning.

I awoke today to find that my 5 gig iPad data plan purchased last month had expired, and was surprised to see that I had an email from Rogers telling me that my iPad data plan had automatically renewed, and it provided me all the details. I did note that Rogers policy is to automatically renew my plan and that I have an option to opt out. Okaaaay.

I returned back to my iPad later this morning, to find that I had 12 notifications of successful iPad data plans renewals. A phone call to the billing department confirmed that I was being billed each and very time the email had been sent to me.

I naturally thought this was an issue within the Rogers billing department, but after being billed 30 times for my renewal, and having been passed around to various departments for and hour and 15 minutes, his is what has been resolved: diddly squat!!

A "ticket" has been created noting the problem, and a refund is being put through on my Visa card for the total amount of this snafu (30x $39.95) but other than removing my credit card number from their system to avoid continual billings, there is nothing that Rogers can do at hhis time I am told.

So I have a 32G wifi + 3G iPad that can now be used only via wifi???? Rogers is blaming this problem on Apple, and says that Apple is aware of this issue, and "working on it" but this sounds sketchy to me.

Have any other iPad owners with a 3G enabled model experienced this issue? Has anybody with another service provider had this issue?
Roger, Roger.

Who's Roger?

Roger Murdock: Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off.
Captain Oveur: Roger!
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Tower voice: L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er.
Captain Oveur: Roger!
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Victor Basta: Request vector, over.
Captain Oveur: What?
Tower voice: Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324.
Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence.
Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?
Tower voice: Tower's radio clearance, over!
Captain Oveur: That's Clarence Oveur. Over.
Tower voice: Over.
Captain Oveur: Roger.
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Tower voice: Roger, over!
Roger Murdock: What?
Captain Oveur: Huh?
Victor Basta: Who?
The server that serves the on device account management app at Rogers seemed to have problems for a couple of days but is working again now. I was able to reach it yesterday and today. Can you get set up now?
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