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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 12, 2003
Hey iphone experts,

I have lost my last 3G on a plane (stupid me), so I am in iphone withrawal and want to buy a new one , unfortunately at full price here in switzerland (crazy 1200 swiss franks or close to 1100 usd!!!!)

I would love to know :
1)if all this unlock talk actually does work,
2) if i can factory reset to a locked phone at any point
3) or is it just better to pay the 1200 and know itll work 100%

I really truly hate this lock sim garbage. what a joke.
Hey iphone experts,
I would love to know :
1)if all this unlock talk actually does work,
2) if i can factory reset to a locked phone at any point
3) or is it just better to pay the 1200 and know itll work 100%

1) The unlock worked for me and a lot of other people as well. For me it's absolutely flawless. However it still is only a beta version (ie 0.9.1 as oppose to version 1) so you might want to wait until it's final which hopefully won't take that long.

2) Yes you can.

3) If money isn't an issue for you, go for it!

Hope that helps! :)
I thought I pop in with a relevant question for the OP, do you need to keep your phone jailbreaked after the unlock or can you restore and and it's still unlocked? you need to keep your phone jailbreaked after the unlock or can you restore and and it's still unlocked?
Once the unlock code is installed and working, there's no need for the jailbreak. However, the only way I know to un-jailbreak a phone is to restore the firmware which would also overlay the unlock code. How the unlock code actually works is irrelevant as it relates to being able to un-jailbreak after installing the unlock code.
yeah you need to keep it jailbroke afaik because yellowsn0w is a daemon that is loaded during the boot up process or something?
Once the unlock code is installed and working, there's no need for the jailbreak. However, the only way I know to un-jailbreak a phone is to restore the firmware which would also overlay the unlock code. How the unlock code actually works is irrelevant.

Okay, then the next thing is when Apple releases there next firmware let's say it contains a new baseband everyone who uses yellowsn0w will need to build a custom firmware without the updated baseband?
Until the devteam finds holes in the updated baseband?

How does an factory unlock works because if you unlock your phone via a carrier you can still update the phone how ever you like right?
Okay, then the next thing is when Apple releases there next firmware let's say it contains a new baseband everyone who uses yellowsn0w will need to build a custom firmware without the updated baseband?

Until the devteam finds holes in the updated baseband?

How does an factory unlock works...
Don't know.

...because if you unlock your phone via a carrier you can still update the phone how ever you like right?
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