What network, area, speed are you getting on 3G?
.6 mb
Would be interesting to see overall real world speeds...
Boston, Massachusetts USA
2.0 mbps
iPhone and ipad average.
2.91 down 1.4 up
o2 lakeside area.
Ipad on 3mobile
6.1 down and 1.6 up
Cool.. What is 3's coverage like? Is it payg or contract?
tbh the only time I notice the difference between three and o2 is if a site has alot of images or I'm downloading apps or music. For general web use there isn't any difference.With speeds like that on 3 I am tempted but I do like the o2 activation and account control on the iPad + the reported sign up problems on 3 does tend to put you off.
My speeds. So far on o2 3G
Download 1.5mbs
Up 0.7mbs
3 does seem very fast
And they complain about at&t's network! Good speed, is it stable?