I was using Tricker Three G and loving it on my 3g. Now that I've upgraded to a 3G S, neither application is available to me and my life is over! How can I live without Slingplayer over 3G my only real reason for jailbreaking??![]()
Has Tricker3G replaced VoIPOver3G?
I cant for the life of me find it on my 3GIve added the pwncenter sources
Tricker3G and VoIPOver3g are different programs which essentially do the same job one is not really a replacement for the other, just different Devs. Tricker3g has recently been removed from Cydia. Hopefully to be updated for the 3gs but it's also possible the Dev was upset by the backlash when he asked for donations to buy himself a 3gs. Rumor has it that VoIPOver3g may be updated for the 3gs in a couple of weeks.
I depend on it with backgrounder to have Skype running permanently in the background to receive calls. Without Voip3G or Tricker3G I can only receive calls when I'm connected via WiFi
thanks for the heads up, where did you source this info from btw?
I can see Voip3G in Cydia, will that work ok on a 3G 3.0?
Do you know how to use VoIPOver3G to truck the AppStore to think it's on a wifi connection-when you are just on 3G?
Good news for you and bad. The bad news is that I don't know how to do what you're asking but the good news is that I'm sure you can!
I remember reading in more than one place when researching, that there's a config (.plist) file somewhere on the iPhone which has default keys (settings) to fool Skype, Fring and another app into using 3G instead of WiFi. I also remember that it's a simple edit of this file to add other apps to the list which are fooled. Unfortunately, as it didn't solve the problem I was trying to fix I didn't bother to bookmark or save the info. I think it was either on this site somewhere or the modmyi forum (or possibly both) but I'm sure if you do a search it won't be too difficult to find. You'll need SSH and a plist editor, I used OpenSSH and WinScp for windows to transfer the config file and "PList Editor for Windows" to edit it.
It sounds like it's a bit of a task but it's actually pretty simple. I'm not a dev or experienced in hacking into the iPhone but I would guess that it'll take half an hour or less to download and install the progs, edit the config file and be up and running with app store over 3G. If you really know what you're doing you can probably do it in 10 mins and if you've already got all the progs you can probably do it in a couple of mins.
^ i have try editingt he config flie before on 3g running 2.2
can't fool the stock apple apps only fringe and skype etc.
voipover3g also state that if the config file is remove it will default to tricking 3g for all apps, didn't worked for me either