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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 8, 2008
ive have been on 500 websites it seems trying to find different answers and what not... i had 2.0.1 on my 3G, jailbroke w/ winpwn i think its called, and added cydia and installer 4...

i mean there are a few programs that are okay but alot of these r jus crappy themes and icon changes... is it jus that theres not alot in the new installer yet?? ive tried to add more sources but i guess there isnt alot compatible yet...

anyone else have better luck finding worth while programs??

EDIT: i really reallllllly want the Dock launcher program but i dont see any way possible of getting it!! any ideas?? (without downgrading firmware)

ive have been on 500 websites it seems trying to find different answers and what not... i had 2.0.1 on my 3G, jailbroke w/ winpwn i think its called, and added cydia and installer 4...

i mean there are a few programs that are okay but alot of these r jus crappy themes and icon changes... is it jus that theres not alot in the new installer yet?? ive tried to add more sources but i guess there isnt alot compatible yet...

anyone else have better luck finding worth while programs??

EDIT: i really reallllllly want the Dock launcher program but i dont see any way possible of getting it!! any ideas?? (without downgrading firmware)


Hello. Read the FAQ in Cydia.

kthxbai :rolleyes:
You can add more sources, which will give you more programs to choose from, but, sadly, it's mostly more of the same.

The only worthwhile apps I've found in any release have been:

AFP'd (2G, 1.1.4 only)
Touchpad (VNC app)
TinyProxy (for tethering, also 1.1.4)
Summer/Winterboard (for the 3 themes that were actually an improvement on the stock theme)
Make It Mine is nice too. Install, set, and uninstall.

That's it. So far, only one of these is running on my 2.0.1 here. So, time for a downgrade.

I like to think that there are in fact some more major, worthwhile apps out there, but they're such an undertaking that they're still being written. ...but I have no idea.

It'd be a shame if all this work went into developing the iphone, only for it to never progress beyond miniature arcade games, fart noises, and yo mama jokes.
You can add more sources, which will give you more programs to choose from, but, sadly, it's mostly more of the same.

The only worthwhile apps I've found in any release have been:

AFP'd (2G, 1.1.4 only)
Touchpad (VNC app)
TinyProxy (for tethering, also 1.1.4)
Summer/Winterboard (for the 3 themes that were actually an improvement on the stock theme)
Make It Mine is nice too. Install, set, and uninstall.

That's it. So far, only one of these is running on my 2.0.1 here. So, time for a downgrade.

I like to think that there are in fact some more major, worthwhile apps out there, but they're such an undertaking that they're still being written. ...but I have no idea.

It'd be a shame if all this work went into developing the iphone, only for it to never progress beyond miniature arcade games, fart noises, and yo mama jokes.

k i have winterboard, and i see summerboard stuff alot too, where/how do i get a summerboard app??

yea i like selecting diff icons from one theme and wallpapers from another, its good for 24hrs of fun then u want to do more...
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