ive have been on 500 websites it seems trying to find different answers and what not... i had 2.0.1 on my 3G, jailbroke w/ winpwn i think its called, and added cydia and installer 4...
i mean there are a few programs that are okay but alot of these r jus crappy themes and icon changes... is it jus that theres not alot in the new installer yet?? ive tried to add more sources but i guess there isnt alot compatible yet...
anyone else have better luck finding worth while programs??
EDIT: i really reallllllly want the Dock launcher program but i dont see any way possible of getting it!! any ideas?? (without downgrading firmware)
i mean there are a few programs that are okay but alot of these r jus crappy themes and icon changes... is it jus that theres not alot in the new installer yet?? ive tried to add more sources but i guess there isnt alot compatible yet...
anyone else have better luck finding worth while programs??
EDIT: i really reallllllly want the Dock launcher program but i dont see any way possible of getting it!! any ideas?? (without downgrading firmware)