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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 5, 2008
Ok, I reeeeally hate to ask this, b/c I'm pretty sure someone will tell me to use the search function... I know the drill, but oh well, I'll give it a try, it's a pretty simple question (or 2). I have a brand new iphone 3g that came factory with 2.0.2, I REALLY want to jailbreak it. Which do I need to use to jailbreak it, (PwnageTool? QuickPwn? WinPwn?). I'm not worried about unlocking or not, just want to jailbreak it properly (and without bricking it of course). Wait one more question... are there any known bugs or features that I have now on my "stock" phone that won't be working after jailbreaking? Thanks in advance for anyone's time and/or advice. I'm itching to do this NOW, but I just need a little advice first. :eek:
there are a wazillion guides on this.

which pwnage tool depends on what OS you're running on.

and no, everything should be running just fine after jailbreaking.
Running XP, does that help? Also, I thought i read somewhere that bluetooth wasn't working after jailbreak and maybe Exchange email too? Anyone heard or know about this?
if you are using XP then you need to use quickpwn or winpwn
now as a mac user i cant tell you anything else but to use google to find a guide and then follow that guide

google IS your friend
I JB'd my 3g yesterday. I am running xp and used quickpwn. man it was easy. I used the guide here plus watched a few youtube videos before i did it. Now my iphone is alive.
I JB'd my 3g yesterday. I am running xp and used quickpwn. man it was easy. I used the guide here plus watched a few youtube videos before i did it. Now my iphone is alive.

Did your 3g come with 2.0.2? Can u paste a link to which guide u used?
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