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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2009
Fall River, MA
I currently own a 32GB 3GS that is jailbroken using purplera1n..........

I am aware that the update for 3.1 came out today........

Can I update my iPhone with the new patch with a jailbroken iPhone? Or does it have to be restored to factory Apple settings before applying?

Also, if indeed it has to be restored, will purplera1n work with the 3.1 update? Or will I have to wait for a re-release of the hack?

My fellow iPhonians, please help me..... When it comes to jailbreaks and updates I am extremely illiterate...
3.1 didnt come out yet, 3.0.1 was released that has an sms security update.
Purplerain wont work with this version, Redsnow will to jailbreak the 3GS.
You'll have to go to itunes and update to the latest firmware. Then run redsnow to jailbreak.
The update yesterday was 3.0.1 not 3.1, it was just a minor patch for the SMS vulnerability. As for jailbreaking it, I don't think purplera1n has a fix yet but your can use redsn0w from the Dev Team.
The protocol to update and jailbreak 3.0.1 is a full restore, back to stock, so that your running 3.0.1, then use the redsn0w application and when it prompts you to select the .ipsw (the firmware file) use one for 3.0 (iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw). Then follow the steps from it gives you from then on.
Once your finished you'll have jailbroken 3.0.1! Huzzah!

And as for 3.1, hopefully that will be out around September, but we'll all have to wait for that to be jailbroken as it will likely take the dev team a little while to figure it out.

Edit: I got beat to the punch, these direction are more detailed though so they still may be useful

Edit 2: If you haven't heard of Aptbackup, check it out in Cydia before you restore! It saved me a lot of tedious redownloading of apps.
The update yesterday was 3.0.1 not 3.1, it was just a minor patch for the SMS vulnerability. As for jailbreaking it, I don't think purplera1n has a fix yet but your can use redsn0w from the Dev Team.
The protocol to update and jailbreak 3.0.1 is a full restore, back to stock, so that your running 3.0.1, then use the redsn0w application and when it prompts you to select the .ipsw (the firmware file) use one for 3.0 (iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw). Then follow the steps from it gives you from then on.
Once your finished you'll have jailbroken 3.0.1! Huzzah!

And as for 3.1, hopefully that will be out around September, but we'll all have to wait for that to be jailbroken as it will likely take the dev team a little while to figure it out.

Edit: I got beat to the punch, these direction are more detailed though so they still may be useful

Edit 2: If you haven't heard of Aptbackup, check it out in Cydia before you restore! It saved me a lot of tedious redownloading of apps.

If I were you, I would be skeptical about using AptBackup. It worked fine for some people but it didn't work fine for me. My phone wouldn't turn back on so I had to wipe it out completely through DFU mode to fix it. It was a huge inconvenience. I would have had 2-3 hours back of my life if I didn't know anything about AptBackup.

Also, for the OP, here's a little step by step tutorial for you.
There's also PkgBackUp in the Cydia Store, which is supposedly more reliable than the free AptBackUp ... I guess I'll find out about that when 3.1 comes out ... ;)
I actually had a few issues with some apps after restoring with aptbackup. Like my SBSettings had to be reinstalled, but besides that I haven't noticed anything, but yeah the few horror stories Ive read makes me wary about using it again.
The protocol to update and jailbreak 3.0.1 is a full restore, back to stock, so that your running 3.0.1, then use the redsn0w application and when it prompts you to select the .ipsw (the firmware file) use one for 3.0 (iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw).
Isn't this wrong ??!

Dev-team say that you have to point redsnow to the 3.0 firmware i.e iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw and not iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw :confused:
Bw the way, why does iCommunity (linked as "Trusted Info" fron the dev-team blog) say that the 3.0.1 is NOT Jailbreakable ?

Status: All iPhone, iPhone 3G & iPhone 3GS firmwares up to v3.0.0 have been jailbroken and their most recent basebands unlocked. Firmware v3.0.1 is newly-released and no jailbreak exists.
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