i own an iphone 3gs and i am currently running 3.0. i am not currently jailbroken, i have a couple of questions regarding jailbreaking my 3gs.
1. is the 3.1 firmware for jailbreaking different than the official apple update? like when i run redsnow (when it comes out) do i choose a different ispw than apples official update?
2. let's say i jailbreak my 3gs can i go back in the future? if for some reason i didn't want my iphone jailbroken anymore how would restore work? and what would i restore to?
btw i didn't save my iBEC IBSS files.
i own an iphone 3gs and i am currently running 3.0. i am not currently jailbroken, i have a couple of questions regarding jailbreaking my 3gs.
1. is the 3.1 firmware for jailbreaking different than the official apple update? like when i run redsnow (when it comes out) do i choose a different ispw than apples official update?
2. let's say i jailbreak my 3gs can i go back in the future? if for some reason i didn't want my iphone jailbroken anymore how would restore work? and what would i restore to?
btw i didn't save my iBEC IBSS files.