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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
i own an iphone 3gs and i am currently running 3.0. i am not currently jailbroken, i have a couple of questions regarding jailbreaking my 3gs.
1. is the 3.1 firmware for jailbreaking different than the official apple update? like when i run redsnow (when it comes out) do i choose a different ispw than apples official update?
2. let's say i jailbreak my 3gs can i go back in the future? if for some reason i didn't want my iphone jailbroken anymore how would restore work? and what would i restore to?
btw i didn't save my iBEC IBSS files.
When we see a 3.1 jb for the 3G we will get instructions on how to use it. Until then, there is nothing we can tell you that you can't find on this site or on the Dev Team blog.
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