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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 6, 2007
Is there a downside to jailbreaking (using redsn0w) without first restoring the iphone to a new state (so with apps and contents on the phone)? I'm asking b/c I have a 3GS with 3.0.1 and am getting anxious to jailbreak it to 3.0.1. I know if something goes wrong I'll have to restore to Apple's 3.1, but since I don't need it unlocked, I'm thinking about taking a chance. Thoughts? Thx
In case anyone is interested in trying this

Since I got some positive feedbacks from Dev-team blog, I decided to go ahead and jailbreak my 3GS running 3.0.1 with contents/apps (~8 pages of apps) already installed. I did this yesterday after waiting past weekend for PT3.1 to be released, but since not released I decided to take a chance.

I SOFT reset (power+home) first to clear memory before proceeding. DO NOT reset anything under General setting. Redsn0wed with FW 3.0 was a breeze and took less than 5 min and had no problems. I then installed the following in this order (maybe not wise, but what the heck you only live once and it's just a(n) (i)phone ;) ).

1. updated all avail updates in cydia (5 total)
2. captured ECID for 3.1 with saurik, "make my life easier"
2. SBSetting -this one gave me a scare since phone was stuck after installation (I had to reset (power+home) it hoping it wouldn't "brick" my phone ^^;;)
3. OpenSHH
4. GV Mobile
5. Winterboard
6. LockInfo (Gruppled theme) and other necessary files to make it look nice
7. Backgrounder
8. Kirikae
9. MxTube
10. VoIPover3G for skype
11. finally f'ed around to change sound and other little things

I'm in NO WAY promoting people to do this now since PT3.1 for 3GS may be nearing it's release (I have no idea), but I just got tired of waiting and felt adventurous or stupid (whichever one). Anyways, end result is I'm enjoying my iPhone even more now.:D
No real downside to jailbreak with content on the device.

I recently jailbroke my touch with nearly 7-8 pages of apps.

Obviously it ran slow, due to the fact it's a 1st gen, and has very little RAM.

But no side-effects I noticed. You should be good to go if you decide to jailbreak.
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