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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 4, 2018
Hi, I’m having trouble connecting my 3rd generation Apple TV to my iPhone 7. It is on the same network, but neither one will see that the other is there, not even with Bluetooth.

I had some trouble connecting my 1st gen iPad mini to this Apple TV, and found that some of the features were not comparable, so I’m wondering if it’s the same issue.

Couldn’t find anything in google searches so I decided to come to you fine folks who likely know much more than I. Thanks!

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
Can you define "connect"?

I noticed that most ATV and iPhone connection issues can be resolved with restarts of all things involved (iPhone, ATV, routers, et cetera) and logging out and back into home sharing.

This usually fixes these type of things for me. I have read that people changed the channels of the WiFi on their routers.

I have a connection issue myself that can be temporarily fixed with the restarts, but it always comes back. My ATV4 does not show up in the remote app on my SE. All my other ATVs do, just not my ATV4. Restarts fix the issue, but it always comes back.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2005
Did you try restarting the Apple TV? When I Airplay from my 7+ to the Apple TV, if it doesn't find it, then restarting works for me.
What are you trying to do?
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