Thanking you both... Out of curiosity, if one were to watch a 4k movie in 'fullscreen' (lets say Netflix) would it be in 'true' 4k? Still a little confused, but thanks for enlightenment!
Yes, most apps are aware of scaling - certainly all Apple apps and modern browsers. If you watch a 4K YouTube video it will indeed display in full 4K at full screen.
Think of it this way:
The 5K iMac runs by default scaled to 2560x1440 but has 5120x2880 pixels
The iPhone 7 runs by default scaled to 375x667 but has 750x1334 pixels.
The iPad Pro runs by default scaled to 1366x1024 but has 2732x2048 pixels.
When I say 'scaled' I simply mean the UI is being displayed at 2x its native size. Otherwise everything would be incredibly tiny, with the issue only magnifying on smaller screens.
With 4K, 2x scaling is 1920x1080 (since most 4K displays are 3840x2160). The issue is, 1920x1080 looks silly on a 27" screen. As such, we need to adjust the 2x scaling so it's a bit less than 2.
2560 is 33% less than 3840
1440 is 33% less than 2160
This means 2560x1440 can scale proportionally from a native 3840x2160 resolution, but still utilise all of the pixels. Since this scaling is being done by macOS, it can relay the fact that this is happening to apps like iMovie, Photos, Safari or Photoshop.
Therefore whenever one of these "retina-ready" apps wants to display an image or video, it can remove the scaling for just that image or video - you therefore get a lovely 1-to-1 pixel mapping for your videos.
As such:
- a 1080p movie in Quicktime will fill exactly one quarter of your screen at full resolution
- a 4K movie will be run at native 4K in full screen
- an 8MP photo will look super sharp and fill almost the entire screen at full resolution
- icons and images on websites (that are coded/designed correctly) will be super crisp
- text will always be super sharp unless an app is not retina-ready (very rare nowadays)
tl;dr - only the UI is scaled (but remains sharp), other images/videos smartly utilise the full potential of your HiDPI display, thanks to macOS and your respective app developers.