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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 19, 2016
Hey, guys. Happy to see that probably the biggest thread on the Internet related to external 4K displays working with Macs is on this forum.

As many of you here, I am now looking for an external display (too bored to wait for DP 1.3 and it's not like 5K at 27" is exactly required, current generation Dells should be okay). So I'm wondering if anybody can share some real-world experience when it comes to 4K running at 2x or 1.5x (yes, the Dells) versus 1440p Ultrawides. Maybe you have both, maybe you've exchanged one for another.

I'm talking work and productivity only (it's obvious what wins at gaming, or what wins at viewing movies). Programming, reading, chats and emails, the usual. Were you annoyed by a non-retina Ultrawide compared to your retina laptop screen or a new iMac? Maybe that extra space did not make a difference for you? Please do share.
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