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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 8, 2018
Today was very exciting. New graphics card showed up. Is says it runs 4k monitor. 'K. This is not 4K to which I have been acustomed; $K monitor is supposed to be 3890x2160, or sometimes 3890x2560, and NEVER less 3890 on the width.

Or so i thought. I have been misinformed. This is slightly less pixeled as I am used to, but I love that the fan on the new/used GPU spins. My old gpu had three really nice looking fans on it. Gigahz Windforce was the where that came from.

The fans, however, were really slow. Over the course 6 months, not one of fans made a single turn,

The guy who sent the graphics card did a lot above and beyond what is required. He packed it really nice. Provided excellent expertness when I had to find out of this might be one of those graphics cards that is nothing but agony. This graphics card seems really nice. Kind like picking up your date, discovering she is a midget. Tall enough, I guess, but not quite the authentic thing
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