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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 8, 2012
I need to find out whether this is possible on an iPhone 4S: while recording a video, is there anything the user can do (either accidentally or deliberately) to trigger the camera flash and the shutter sound effect, as if taking a photo?

In a video I am analysing, taken by an iPhone 4S, a flash is seen partway through, and the shutter sound effect is heard. I need to ascertain whether there is any way this could have been triggered by the phone recording the video, or whether there was necessarily another camera or phone at the scene.

As far as I understand the iPhone 4S *cannot* take a photo while recording a video, and indeed no photo corresponding to the moment the flash went off is found on the phone. This makes it hard to see how the flash and shutter effect could be triggered, but I would really love to be able to rule it out absolutely. Could anyone confirm that it is impossible to trigger the flash and shutter sound effect while recording a video?

Many thanks!
Bumping this post to see if anyone can answer it, and to add: I am not law enforcement, in case anyone had the impression I was discussing a legal case! I'm trying to figure this out to settle a family argument. So far none of us has been able to reproduce the iPhone generating a flash and shutter sound effect while filming a video, but I know there are some real experts out there.

If it was jailbroken at the time of shooting, it's possible for a 4S to take a photo when recording a video with a tweak such as still capture enabler. The phone could then have been restored to stock, backup put back and everything. Far fetched, but hey, you asked.
Thanks Chambone - I actually know that no photo was taken (or at least, none was saved on the phone immediately following the event, and there was no break in the sequential numbering). Is there a way the flash and sound effect could be triggered without it actually taking a photo--what happens if you don't have the jailbreak iOS tweak that allows for photos to be taken while recording a video, but you try to take one anyway? (I don't even know how you'd do that, as presumably there is no visible control on the screen for taking a photo while video is recording)

p.s. I also feel comfortable assuming that in this case the phone has never been jailbroken. But thank you for your scenario!
Is there a way the flash and sound effect could be triggered without it actually taking a photo--what happens if you don't have the jailbreak iOS tweak that allows for photos to be taken while recording a video, but you try to take one anyway?

I have an iphone but it's a 5S, so I can't answer that one. On a 4S there probably just isn't a photo shutter button present when filming. But in any case, if I were to make people think that my 4S took a photo while recording a video, I'd just have someone else hold their iphone next to mine and take a picture while I was shooting the video. Family argument initiated ;)
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