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Aaron Olinger

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 31, 2023
Hi all, I have a 2009 Flashed 5,1 Mac Pro that originally came with the single 2.66ghz CPU. I upgraded to a 2010-2012 dual CPU tray with the quad core CPU’s looking to eventually upgrade to dual X5690’s and 1333ghz RAM in the future.

My issue is that after installing the stock dual CPU tray into my machine, it wouldn’t boot fully. I would get a chime and the apple logo but the loading screen would freeze a quarter of the way and never continue. I was able to get it to boot fully into the OS once by resetting the NVRAM if I’m remembering correctly, and it ran fine with all the correct hardware showing up on my “about Mac” screen.

The fans were of course running at full speed, and interestingly the performance seemed to grind to a halt when I tried to use Safari. It would run at 3 frames per second (unscientific guess) and I closed it by command Qing out of it.

When I ran google chrome it did perfectly well, nothing out of the ordinary.

Today I can’t get it to boot past that 1/4 loading screen no matter what I do, and I figured I’d ask for recommendations on where to start before I tear my hair out trying to find the issue out on my own.


Jun 13, 2016
An early-2009 backplane is not compatible with a mid-2010/mid-2012 CPU tray.

SMC firmware mismatch - both the CPU tray and the backplane are required to have the exact same firmware and the SMC is not upgradeable.

Change the backplane to a mid-2010/mid-2012 if you want to use the mid-2010/mid-2012 CPU tray.
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