i typing in "apple" in my CNN widget and on aricle i found was on if OSX could run of "PC hardware" and if the would use AMD or intel, its fun to look back, now that we now.
i also was looking at there was an paper about how the iMac (when it was G3) was apples new low cost computer, and people were talking about how it was helping apple now, but the "longevity still uncertain". All good reads( link to iMac story,
i typing in "apple" in my CNN widget and on aricle i found was on if OSX could run of "PC hardware" and if the would use AMD or intel, its fun to look back, now that we now.
i also was looking at there was an paper about how the iMac (when it was G3) was apples new low cost computer, and people were talking about how it was helping apple now, but the "longevity still uncertain". All good reads( link to iMac story,