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Original poster
Apr 10, 2007
I was thinking about picking it up for $110 on amazon, I don't really need the lens but for the price it would be nice to have a prime in my bag.

here is the lens link does anyone have any experience with the lens? I was going to use it for indoor shots, and for taking some action shots like people skateboarding and such because of its speed, for the price is it worth it?

Or for what im looking to do should I just go with the 1.4 here?

this is for a D90 btw.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
I was thinking about picking it up for $110 on amazon, I don't really need the lens but for the price it would be nice to have a prime in my bag.

If you don't really need the lens, why not save up for one you do really need?

I was going to use it for indoor shots, and for taking some action shots like people skateboarding and such because of its speed, for the price is it worth it?

It's a bargain for its image quality if you can get the shots you need with it. I find 50mm on a crop factor to be a poor focal length, but lots of people like their 50mms (I'm even less pleased with 50mm on a FX body unless I need to show a product at its "normal" view- but I find I'm much pickier than lots of other photographers.)

Here's how I'd suggest you look at it- Do you need a new lens of any other focal length, and if so, does $110 off that lens seem like a better deal? Would $110 off a good flash or two be more useful for action/indoor shots?

I've got a 24mm f/2.8 prime that sits in my closet doing nothing- I owned it prior to the 20-35mm f/2.8 zoom- but I've shot with it maybe a dozen times- I'd have been much better off putting that money towards the 20-35mm, a 10-20mm, or even CF cards.


macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2007
If you are not in a hurry you might want to wait a bit if you decide to get the 1.4. The afs version is coming out soon, so you might want that, or the price on the d version might drop (especially on the used market).


macrumors 68000
Jan 13, 2005
I find 50mm on a crop factor to be a poor focal length, but lots of people like their 50mms (I'm even less pleased with 50mm on a FX body unless I need to show a product at its "normal" view- but I find I'm much pickier than lots of other photographers.)
Yep the crop factor makes the 50mm prime more like a good portrait lens somewhere around the 70-80mm length. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I've got a 24mm f/2.8 prime that sits in my closet doing nothing- I owned it prior to the 20-35mm f/2.8 zoom- but I've shot with it maybe a dozen times- I'd have been much better off putting that money towards the 20-35mm, a 10-20mm, or even CF cards.
Eep! You should sell that lens - it's probably still worth a lot.

Foxtrot Oscar

macrumors member
Oct 22, 2008
Hong Kong
I have the canon "nifty fifty" 1.8 (as there are also a 1.4 and a 1.2) on my Xmas list.

I tried it at a wedding I was at, took a few awesome shots. It's around $100US as well, seems you get a real good bang for the buck with these lenses. I don't go in for the whole canon/nikon yay yay boo boo thing! You can never have too much equipment it's just not possible, there should be a scientific law about it.

Fox's Law: No amount of technical equipment will ever be too much.

Disclaimer. Do not apply this law when attempting a solo trek to the south or north pole.

Saving for an L or Gold would be great, but it might be easier waiting for Santa to get his butt down my chimney!

Get it and enjoy it.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2006
IMO, if you need it go for it otherwise wait.

I have a Nikkor 50mm f1.4 that I bought for a specific project but later I found myself using it more and more.


Original poster
Apr 10, 2007
Here's how I'd suggest you look at it- Do you need a new lens of any other focal length, and if so, does $110 off that lens seem like a better deal? Would $110 off a good flash or two be more useful for action/indoor shots?

I've got a 24mm f/2.8 prime that sits in my closet doing nothing- I owned it prior to the 20-35mm f/2.8 zoom- but I've shot with it maybe a dozen times- I'd have been much better off putting that money towards the 20-35mm, a 10-20mm, or even CF cards.

Thanks for the insight, I have a few other lenses I want to pick up in the next few months and that $110 would be better used for that.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Yep the crop factor makes the 50mm prime more like a good portrait lens somewhere around the 70-80mm length. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Crop-wise it's a 75mm on a D90- funnily enough that's not a focal length that 35mm lens manufacturers tend to produce outside of zooms- and even then it's not the "normal" starting/stopping point of 70mm.

Personally, I think on 35mm bodies 90mm is the "minimum" good portrait lens, 135mm+ is where I like my portrait lenses, though. To get the AOV of a 90mm, you'd be at 60mm, and the Nikkor 60mm is a very nice macro lens assuming you don't need a lot of working distance.

90mm or 105mm is a nice portrait/macro length on either format with a better working distance in macro, and that's where I'd be looking, unless the wide aperture were more of a factor, in which case an 85mm would win in my book.

All of those choices are more money though.

Eep! You should sell that lens - it's probably still worth a lot.

It's not worth that much, perhaps $200- but I should see what it'd fetch in trade for somthing interesting.


macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2005
Halifax, Canada
I have the 50mm/1.8 and love it. For a year and a half 90% of my shots were taken with it. I got a 35mm/2 a year ago, and use it about half the time now, as for small room candid use, the 50mm was a bit long.

If you want to get into other fast primes, used ~30 year old Nikkors are pretty cheap (but no AF and no metering on the D40/50/60/70/80/90). I have a Nikkor 105mm/2.5 AI-S, and it's fantastic.


macrumors 6502
Feb 8, 2006
Rockford, IL
I just got the 50mm f/1.8 and I enjoy it a lot. It's a good indoor lens if you have enough room to back up. It's my only prime at this point, and it's also pretty quick so it makes it much more enjoyable. I also like taking landscape shots with it.. pretty sharp lens.


macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2004
I thought I'd chirp up on about the 50mm. I have the 1.8 and for the price you get amazing performance. I recommend that lens to all the beginners who ask me what camera body they should get, and I tell them get whatever body they want but make sure the 50mm is the the first lens they buy.

And since you have a D90, you will get some stunning DOF shots with this little baby lens.


macrumors 68040
Oct 11, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
If looking to spend moneys on a 50mm I would suggest to save a little more and get a 1.4f lens. More money, but man oh man. The world of difference when I upgraded myself to a 1.4.

I would hold off. If your current lens can shoot at 50mm, I would just save a little more and go for the 1.4.
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