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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
ok. sorry bout making a new thread for a simple question.

i want to upgrade an ibook g4, 256 mb built-in with 1.07 Ghz.
all this computer is gonna be used for is iLife, AIM, MS applications, and the internet [all at the same time usually]

so obviously 1gb ram upgrade is better, but is that overkill if the computer is going to be used for nothing more than simple applications, being that 1gb is more than double the price of a 512 mb upgrade. [$114 vs. $49]

-retarded newbie.
I have not yet found the amount of RAM that is overkill in any Mac.

Of course, the next post will actually show us an example of a Mac with over the top RAM, but add the 1GB if you plan to use this computer for a long time. I have to think that you could find it cheaper too. As our resident RAM salesman, Multimedia. You will find him in the MacBook Released thread in the Page 1 News Forum.
768MB (256MB + 512MB) would be more than enough for you using only those apps. I often run the same things and my iMac reaches about 500MB. Of course, if you can afford it go for more.
One question: 1.07GHz? Where did that number come from? The only speeds I'm aware of are 1GHZ and 1.2GHz...

Anyway, though, I don't think netdog is right about getting it cheaper--those prices look about right for decent stuff. They appear to have come from DMS, which is where I'd probably buy, and OWC is basically the same.

Also, I agree that 768MB is going to be enough to handle those apps comfortably, but since there's only the one slot, if you intend to use the computer for a while and have the $65 to spare you might as well max it out. Even if there's no major speed difference right away, it'll probably help out in the future, and it'll increase the resale value a bit if you eventually sell it.

If you ever do want more, you also won't have to chuck the 512MB stick to put in a 1GB one.
in "about this mac", it says 1.07 Ghz. (is that weird, seeing that the only ram upgrade choices for ibook include 1 or 1.2 ghz?)

thanks for the advice everyone. i think i'm going for the 512 upgrade for the computer. it's going to be used for college for my sister who isnt a math/engineer/architect major where they use crazy computer programs. i just don't see her needing to use anymore than she does already in terms of myspace, music, pictures and the "occasional" school reports and research, ha.

also, im upgrading in terms of money, not seems you get more from 512 for $49 vs 1gb for $114. ALSO, circuit city has a really good deal: Kingston 512MB PC2700/2100 333MHz DDR Notebook for 34.99. That's the right one, RIGHT?

i really APPRECIATE the advice and comments everyone.
netdog said:
Ask our resident RAM salesman, Multimedia.

Anyways, I would definitely recommend going for the 1GB stick. The problem with getting the 512MB stick is that, even if you're happy with the performance now, in another year or two, you'll probably want to upgrade it since newer software will probably use more RAM than your current apps. Then what do you have to do?

Buy a 1GB stick and throw out (or try to sell, at a loss) the 512 stick you already bought. That means you ended up spending $114+$49(minus resale of the 512 stick). In the end you're getting the same performance, but you're having to settle now for less performance. And you're spending more money. Make sense?
Makosuke said:
One question: 1.07GHz? Where did that number come from? The only speeds I'm aware of are 1GHZ and 1.2GHz...

Rounding and errors with significant figures. When you add at 1GB ram set to a computer with an existing 256MB of onboard RAM you actually get 1280MB or RAM.

I have a 1GHz 12" PB, and the memory really made a difference, then again I also do media editing. Also, upgrading your HD will also make things run faster, give you more space, and will likely decrease battery life. When I changed out my HD, I ended up getting a more efficient HD that was larger and faster. I gained about 10% better battery life.
Heb1228 said:

Anyways, I would definitely recommend going for the 1GB stick. The problem with getting the 512MB stick is that, even if you're happy with the performance now, in another year or two, you'll probably want to upgrade it since newer software will probably use more RAM than your current apps. Then what do you have to do?

Buy a 1GB stick and throw out (or try to sell, at a loss) the 512 stick you already bought. That means you ended up spending $114+$49(minus resale of the 512 stick). In the end you're getting the same performance, but you're having to settle now for less performance. And you're spending more money. Make sense?

I doubt that the RAM would become the bottleneck with newer software. iWork + iLife '06 run fine with 512MB. The 1Ghz, 4200rpm HD and the Mobility Radeon 9200 32MB would.
BlizzardBomb said:
iWork + iLife '06 run fine with 512MB.
I differ with this assessment. I usually tell people that 1GB is the bare minimum. If you're happy with 768, then thats fine, but I think 512 is simply not enough to use iLife comfortably.
iLife used to run like crap on my iBook with 768MB RAM. I upgraded to 1GB and used it to create a huge file the other day and it worked great. I don't see how an extra 256 makes a big difference, especially when I'm not low on RAM, but it did.
BlizzardBomb said:
I doubt that the RAM would become the bottleneck with newer software. iWork + iLife '06 run fine with 512MB. The 1Ghz, 4200rpm HD and the Mobility Radeon 9200 32MB would.

i'm not the computer expert [obviously], but that's what i was thinking. no point of going with 1Gb if the computer would be held back by its low Ghz and 4200 rpm HD [i saw the replacement guide to the HD, definitely not attempting it, ha ha ha] in the future. like i said, only regular apple software usage with MS Word applications and AIM.

so how bout that deal from circuit city? if it's the right ram, it's good right?
well, after careful consideration especially from all the comments.
the 1GBers win!

i just figured with the computer only having 10.3 on it and 10.5 obviously coming out in the next four years, it definitely doesn't hurt.

so i have til my sister starts CAL in august to save up that extra money.
thanks a lot everyone. ill be sure to post how it went, but that wont be for a couple months.
Eniregnat said:
Rounding and errors with significant figures. When you add at 1GB ram set to a computer with an existing 256MB of onboard RAM you actually get 1280MB or RAM.
This seemed to be in response to his report that he apparently has a 1.07GHz iBook--processor speed, not RAM. If you meant that it was rounding 1.00GHz up to 1.07GHz or vice versa, it's possible, but I thought the bus multiplier on those was 7.5 (=997MHz) not 8 (= roughly 1.07GHz). But a Google search turned up a bunch of people saying the same, so either About This Mac reports the processor speed wrong for some reason, or the bus multiplier is actually 8 and Apple decided to just round down for the round number in marketing.
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