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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 4, 2004
Madison, WI
1/3 of my Hawaii pictures were on a 512meg Memory Stick, and when I got home I couldn't load them! I was pretty freaked out, but in the end I was able to read them no problem off an XP machine at work. Not sure why that made a difference, but it did. I formatted it in Mac OS with zeroing enabled, and decided only to keep it around for emergencies. Well, I ran out of space today shooting, and I used it for around 30 pics. When I got home, it had 143 pictures on it. Mostly from Hawaii. Hummmm.

Should I throw it away?

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2005
typical sony...i hate them.


do what you want. I say shoot and fill up the card with random pics and see if you can recreate the problem after reformatting it...


Moderator emeritus
Apr 27, 2005
San Francisco, CA
You might try a local specialty photo shop. I've come across a few that have special software to detect problems with cards. They might be able to identify what the problem is.

...just a thought.

I myself would throw it away. You don't want to take the chance on having it die on you midway through a vacation with valuable pictures still on it. (Which happened to me BTW :( )


macrumors 68020
Feb 4, 2003
New HAMpshire
So was it only acting up while in the camera trying to read it on OSX machine? Give us more info. I read somepalce that some cards had issues in certain cameras but the card was a duo PRO yours a pro card.

I am very interested in this- I have had regular memory sticks for years and not a single issue- I just ordered a 2GB stick for use in my new sony camera (arriving any day now!)
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