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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
I am going to buy a MacBook Pro and was wondering if it would make a difference upgrading the hard drive to 7200 rpm instead of the 5400 rpm that comes by default.

Thanks :D
MacRumoron said:
I am going to buy a MacBook Pro and was wondering if it would make a difference upgrading the hard drive to 7200 rpm instead of the 5400 rpm that comes by default.

Thanks :D
if it's the same as the powerbook G4, the upgrade to 7200rpm is very welcomed.

arr i remember my original G3 iBook with a 4200rpm awww bless

get the 7200rpm :)
5400 vs 7200

Where you really see the difference is when you are opening or saving large files. Especially if you have video or large high resolution images. I would say that -yes it's worth it if you A. Plan on using your macbook for any kind of imaging and B. If you plan on using the macbook as a desktop replacement. You might be able to save some money by getting a 7200rpm drive from Seagate of Hitachi tho.
no more apple installed drives

:mad: My pb hard drive from Apple just failed for the second time in a year. Bought a 100 GB 7200 hitachi travelstar drive from OWC, hope it's worth the (not many) extra $ but have a feeling it will be.
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