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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 9, 2006
Houston, TX
I am planning on buying a 15 inch mbp for use at college next year, but was wondering if there is a difference in speed. Which would be more benificial, the 120 gb hd or the 100 gb 7200 rpm drive?

There have been some recent benchmarks that suggest there is very little speed gain in going up to the 7200 RPM drive in day-to-day usage. I'd go for greater storage space, especially if you know you're likely to fill up that much space. My 120GB drive feels small.

Test Results
Comparing the results of Xbench’s Disk Test and Drive Speed Checker it is clear that in 90%+ of most cases, a typical user will see little to no benefit in using a 7200 rpm drive. There may be a bit of a placebo effect in play here (“it seems snappier”) but the results do not bear this out. In fact my challenge to those who have 7200 rpm drives who claim their systems are faster is PROVE IT.
Read the specs, the 7200 RPM drive spins faster -- that is about it.

Across the manufacturers, some 5400 drives have a higher mechanical transfer limit (in MBs/sec) and 7200 drives at others.

But these differences aren't very big in notebook drives, and do not affect the average user.


The cache size and drive size are vastly more important -- bigger is better.

And the warranty is also important.

Desktop drives are a bit different in mechanical transfer speeds, and enterprise drives though they may be noisier -- last longer.
treblah said:
More like strange, the 7200 should only be about 3MB/s better than the 5400 -- unless there is something seriously goofy with the 5400 cache scheme for large transfers.
My point of view...if you buy a stock MBP, and have problems with it...Apple is more likely to replace it than if you have a BTO machine.
I would definately go with more space than drive speed. Unless you are moving files around between computer to computer that are really big, you wont see much of a difference. Even on boot up the most difference you might see is a second but doubtfully two.
Go with the 7200 RPM! Get a nice 500gb External hard drive instead to get some small space...:rolleyes: If you need smaller just get a 2.5" extranal enclosure and keep the slower 2.5" 5400 120GB-160GB for storage...:)
Sun Baked said:
Read the specs, the 7200 RPM drive spins faster -- that is about it.

Across the manufacturers, some 5400 drives have a higher mechanical transfer limit (in MBs/sec) and 7200 drives at others.

But these differences aren't very big in notebook drives, and do not affect the average user.


The cache size and drive size are vastly more important -- bigger is better.

And the warranty is also important.

Desktop drives are a bit different in mechanical transfer speeds, and enterprise drives though they may be noisier -- last longer.

Sun Baked is absolutely right, the cache size is the most important factor when choosing a hard drive. The bigger the cache size faster would the hard disk

I can't decide either. I am in the process of getting my replacement MacBook Pro 2.0 with the 15.4 inch matte display. I still can't decide if I want to go with the 120gig 5400 or the 100 gig 7200 rpm. My current MBP has 2 gigs of ram, the 2.0 with 128 vram (week twenty) and the stock 80 gig 5400rpm. The speed and battery life I love. However, after 10 days with the laptop I am down to 18 gigs free. Yeah yeah I know, get an external hard drive.... However, I think if I am going to have it for along time, which I do, because I can't afford systems that often, I should go with the 7200. I do alot of video rendering, graphics editing, and such on the go with my laptop, and think the 7200 would be benficial for writing. Any ideas?
yah00z said:
I can't decide either. I am in the process of getting my replacement MacBook Pro 2.0 with the 15.4 inch matte display. I still can't decide if I want to go with the 120gig 5400 or the 100 gig 7200 rpm. My current MBP has 2 gigs of ram, the 2.0 with 128 vram (week twenty) and the stock 80 gig 5400rpm. The speed and battery life I love. However, after 10 days with the laptop I am down to 18 gigs free. Yeah yeah I know, get an external hard drive.... However, I think if I am going to have it for along time, which I do, because I can't afford systems that often, I should go with the 7200. I do alot of video rendering, graphics editing, and such on the go with my laptop, and think the 7200 would be benficial for writing. Any ideas?

I'll go with the new western digital external 500GB....Right now my 300GB getting full so need to upgrade!!!:D Either Pro or Premium edition...;)
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