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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 28, 2016
Hi guys,

My friends and I developed an arcade reaction game. It is a real simple game that challenges your reaction. We wanted to bring back games from the arcade days and this is our first step towards this goal.

We are excited to share with you 5500: Reaction Arcade Challenge! We will appreciate it if you could give our game a try and let us know how you feel about it.


Thank you so much! We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
OneSilicon Studio Team

☆ Stop the counter within the min and max range indicators at every level!
☆ The closer you are to the bulls-eye, the more bonus points are awarded!
☆ Beat all levels and stop the counter exactly at “5500” to unlock new levels!
⚡Simple and intuitive gameplay that is addictive
⚡An ultimate test of your reaction speed
⚡Single button design
⚡Brings back the good old arcade days
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