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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 18, 2009
Warner Robins,GA
Hello All,

First time poster. I'm currently a 40D user with the 28-135 Kit lens and the proud owner of the 70-200 2.8 IS. I want to get the 5D2 and have been reading for weeks about the camera. Most everything I read is it's great for low light, DOF, and portraits. I came from film and want to get back to FF, I know it's all around better.

I'm wondering if the 5D2 will be a great camera for the family scene? I have a 7 and 4 year old and like taking pictures of them playing inside and outside (mostly outside). I do want to get into portraits as well. I'm wondering if the AF system and slow FPS will be an issue for me or should I stick to Crops for the FPS with kids.

Is there a lot of you using the 5D2 in my scenario and happy with the camera.

Oh, I'm about to replace the 28-135 as it's not that good compared to my L. Looking at getting the 24-105 or the 24-70. I was thinking about the 24-105 first with the body as a kit but would go with the 24-70 if/when they update it (based on all the rumors)

Thanks Mike


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2008
Get the 5D2.....its a very capable camera....Also folks have been waiting for the fabled 24-70 IS for many years, it might be a long wait.....I have a 5D2 and couldn't be happier. My son sat still long enough for a quick shot yesterday:



macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 18, 2009
Warner Robins,GA
Get the 5D2.....its a very capable camera....Also folks have been waiting for the fabled 24-70 IS for many years, it might be a long wait.....I have a 5D2 and couldn't be happier. My son sat still long enough for a quick shot yesterday:


That is an awesome picture. Was it with the 24-70? And I assume all the talk about a new 24-70IS isn't recent news?

How does the camera handle the fast pace of kids playing outside? That's what I'm concerned about as my 40D is fast and the 7D is even faster.

Also, I will be buying all good quality glass, after the 70-200 I will only buy great lens.



macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2008
No this was taken with the 100L. I guess if you find yourself firing off more than 4 FPS on your D series cameras, than you may just want to stick with that.

I do mostly landscapes and portraits so the 5D2 works great for me. Or you can always keep one of the D's for speed and reach if you need it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 18, 2009
Warner Robins,GA
Oh yeah, my 40D will stay with me. I also have a 10D (1st digital) coming from a Nikon N90. I plan on using the 10D and 28-135 to teach my daughter (seven) how to shoot. I know, sounds crazy but she's a genius on her Mac and figured she could learn photography as well. If she damages the 10D then that will be ok, but I suspect she will do quite good actually, of course she will be under my supervision when using it.



macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
Most of my photos are of landscapes, and wildlife second. I plan to buy a 5DII within two years to use for landscapes, but will continue using my 40D for wildlife most times. By then the 5DII's replacement from Canon should be on the market, but I don't believe that the price of the DII will drop very much since there are a lot of people wanting to buy this camera.

I would say: go for it if you can afford it. It's a great camera for portraits, studio, wildlife, and landscapes. Yes, it has great low-light capabilities, but so most Nikon and Canon cameras produced in the past three or four years.


macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
If you've got the cash ... go for it .Had mine for about a year now and love it. I've got the 24-105 ,also . For me , the higher usable iso of the Mk2 plus the image stabilization of the 24-105 offset the 2.8 maximum aperture of the 24-70 . Plus the extra range is nice . Portraits using an 85 1.8 come out incredible . The only problem is that the camera/lens is unforgiving . If your subject has zits or a giant black hair on their nose , you can bet it'll show . But if you're taking pix of fidgetty kids , the full frame gives you lots of landscape for cropping.
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