He just used a wall charger. Oh, and btw, here's something I forgot to mention: when it stopped being able to charge, it had about 80% battery left. It didn't turn off all of a sudden, it simply drained the battery normally.
Apple recommends that using the USB charge is the best (I do it on my Kenwood in the vehicle, it has a USB and that seems to be a more conditioned source of electricity ... least ways I plug in the iPhone that way and I get the road tunes and a full battery).
The wall plug and cigarette lighter power plug thingy ... Apple seems not to approve of that source for powering up the battery and prefers the USB over that.
You got a curious case there and I suspect if the battery is new ... then the iPhone is doing something to it.
About 50% or lower the charge is full tilt boogie ...
at about 75% the charge profile is reduced significantly.
at about 90% it goes to a trickle charge.
Apple wants the power source unplugged when it is full ... do not leave a plunged in battery when the power is off .. such as the USB line on the computer. Also do not let the battery get below 20% ... especially for long periods of time such as in storage .. as that will mess up the battery. If you got an old battery or some one shaped out an old battery in your new battery package .... then it is battery problem.
Take it into Genius and have a profile diagnostic done on it ... as I am thinking you have a good new battery in there and that has to be ok and not part of the problem.
Either the contacts are off in being manhandled ... or the iPhone is off in the software; is all I can think of.
Such as the circuit board from some one being in there with dirty hands and do not clean it after leaving. Fingerprint oil over time (usually 2 years) will destroy the metal circuits somewhere in their logic path. Making the 'contacts' off to the battery.
Have you done a restore to the software and firmware ... just a long shot there. If so ... then have to go down the contacts being off as the issue.