Yeah. I'd like to take a moment to completely disagree with, uh, just about everything that was just said:
1) No. It does not involve "giving up your first born." And you, following that with "I think it requires a donation" is a pretty good indication that you're not only contradicting yourself but are also in need of some solid info. But hey, feel free to speak up with all of that stuff you're not aware of. It's a free country and people like to type. I understand.
2) You wrote: "A much cheaper, and more reliable option is..." I've been using MacTheRipper for years and have had less than 5 dvd failures out of 2500 some-odd movies. For me, it's begun to be problematic on the newer dvds and version 4 is about to be released. My personal success with this product seems to contradicts your "experience."
Lastly, unless you're referring to a genuine test, say, a point by point comparison about reliability, you're just wasting our time.
My advice, do your homework and just speak about your experience until you can make some sense if you want to go so far as to disrespect someone else's product.
That is my $0.02
Further, I am only a fan of MacTheRipper and have no other affiliation besides being a happy, enthusiastic user.