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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 13, 2007
Houston, TX
I've tried ripping a DVD using the Apple TV preset in the new 64-Bit version of Handbrake - no other changes - and the resultant file won't play on the ATV or in iTunes. I've also ripped the same DVD using the iPhone preset, and that works fine.

I thought at first it was a tagging issue, but the untagged file is the same. It "plays", but with a black screen and no sound.

Anyone else having this problem?
I had the same issue. I had Handbrake 64-bit (with 64-bit VLC 1.02) and I ripped two DVD straight from the disc. When it copied to iTunes, the movie file would lock my whole Mac. I originally thought it was maybe MetaX.

I could not even view the file through QuickLook. I ended up going to the 32-bit version and 32-but VLC 1.03. The difference in speed (on my 24' inch iMac) wasn't worth the hassle.

Maybe because 64-bit VLC 1.02 has known stability issues, maybe that is causing a problem when it has to pull the DVD data.
Sounds like a logical fix with the issue with the 64 bit of each program. Personally I use the 32 bit as i still think 64 bit in most programs are not stable enough
I am running the 64 bit version on my mini and it is not a problem. I get about 1 hour faster ripping. about 1/3 faster. I am using the default settings I did not change anything but where the file is saved.
no problems here on 64bits
i just didnt do any changes in handbrake base configuration (too technical)

just click on apple tv and convert .
i've converted numerous using 64-bit handbrake using appletv preset and had no problems at all.
I used this flow with the 64 bit version and everything seemed to work. The drive never spun up to "super speeds" like I remember that it used to but it definitely ripped "Shooter" very quickly (less than 1 hour if I recall - MB Alu 2.4, 4G). I've tested the audio/video to make sure it is there but haven't watched the movie yet.
seems fine here too - I do rip first using Fairmount/DVD2OneX and then encode, maybe this is an issue with encoding straight from the disc using VLC/HB?

p.s. i'm using default ATV preset but with the addition of detelecine and decomb, plus manually selecting subtitle tracks if applicable.
I just downloaded the 64 bit application and converted a 2 hour movie on my new iMac i7. It took 16 minutes and works fine on AppleTV.

Using Mac The Ripper is another story though. It won't rip some disks (Angels & Demons), coming up with a sector error. Has anyone run into this problem? Do you have a workaround that worked for you?

I use the Apple Universal preset in 64-bit mode and works like a charm in iTunes and on Ipod. Don't have an ATV yet. Twice as fast as before on my 2.66ghz C2D iMac.
Using Mac The Ripper is another story though. It won't rip some disks (Angels & Demons), coming up with a sector error. Has anyone run into this problem? Do you have a workaround that worked for you?

Angels & Demons ripped fine for me with MTR 3.14M.
Can you be so kind as to provide a download link? I can't seem to locate any version other than 2.6.6.


grover :)

It involves giving up your first born... J/K but it isn't free like 2.66 was, I think it requires a "donation" somewhere in the 30 to 50 dollar range. A much cheaper, and more reliable option is Ripit. I have been using it for a while, it has frequent updates and the recent acquisition by the LittleAppFactory did at first worry me but it seems that it is business as ususal. The app is only $20 and well worth it IMHO.

That is my $0.02
It involves giving up your first born... J/K but it isn't free like 2.66 was, I think it requires a "donation" somewhere in the 30 to 50 dollar range. A much cheaper, and more reliable option is Ripit. I have been using it for a while, it has frequent updates and the recent acquisition by the LittleAppFactory did at first worry me but it seems that it is business as ususal. The app is only $20 and well worth it IMHO.

That is my $0.02

Yeah. I'd like to take a moment to completely disagree with, uh, just about everything that was just said:

1) No. It does not involve "giving up your first born." And you, following that with "I think it requires a donation" is a pretty good indication that you're not only contradicting yourself but are also in need of some solid info. But hey, feel free to speak up with all of that stuff you're not aware of. It's a free country and people like to type. I understand.

2) You wrote: "A much cheaper, and more reliable option is..." I've been using MacTheRipper for years and have had less than 5 dvd failures out of 2500 some-odd movies. For me, it's begun to be problematic on the newer dvds and version 4 is about to be released. My personal success with this product seems to contradicts your "experience."

Lastly, unless you're referring to a genuine test, say, a point by point comparison about reliability, you're just wasting our time.

My advice, do your homework and just speak about your experience until you can make some sense if you want to go so far as to disrespect someone else's product.

That is my $0.02

Further, I am only a fan of MacTheRipper and have no other affiliation besides being a happy, enthusiastic user.
Yeah. I'd like to take a moment to completely disagree with, uh, just about everything that was just said:

1) No. It does not involve "giving up your first born." And you, following that with "I think it requires a donation" is a pretty good indication that you're not only contradicting yourself but are also in need of some solid info. But hey, feel free to speak up with all of that stuff you're not aware of. It's a free country and people like to type. I understand.

2) You wrote: "A much cheaper, and more reliable option is..." I've been using MacTheRipper for years and have had less than 5 dvd failures out of 2500 some-odd movies. For me, it's begun to be problematic on the newer dvds and version 4 is about to be released. My personal success with this product seems to contradicts your "experience."

Lastly, unless you're referring to a genuine test, say, a point by point comparison about reliability, you're just wasting our time.

My advice, do your homework and just speak about your experience until you can make some sense if you want to go so far as to disrespect someone else's product.

That is my $0.02

Further, I am only a fan of MacTheRipper and have no other affiliation besides being a happy, enthusiastic user.


I don't want to wade into an argument; I'm just trying to find the best way to rip current disks on a Mac. The 2.6.6 MTR version I have been using is not effective on some new releases, including Angels & Demons (2009). I was just trying to find out how one locates version 3 (and later, version 4). I understand now that a "gift" of $50.00 will work to allow access to version 3, but the CSS Libraries have been removed and must be located on the internet and added back.

Assuming I want to continue using MTR in the future, it looks like a gift gets the process started. Do you know where one finds the CSS libraries necessary to make the MTR program work??
I've tried ripping a DVD using the Apple TV preset in the new 64-Bit version of Handbrake - no other changes - and the resultant file won't play on the ATV or in iTunes. I've also ripped the same DVD using the iPhone preset, and that works fine.

I thought at first it was a tagging issue, but the untagged file is the same. It "plays", but with a black screen and no sound.

Anyone else having this problem?

Did you rebuild the presets that come on the slide out menu? There is a button to select just that on the slide out menu at the bottom. The handbrake website says rebuilding the presets need to be done each time you download a new version of handbrake. Not to say that will fix your problem.
Assuming I want to continue using MTR in the future, it looks like a gift gets the process started. Do you know where one finds the CSS libraries necessary to make the MTR program work??


You will most likely need to register on the forums, make your gift, receive a license, etc. The whole process can take a couple of days. You'll need to follow the "how to's" for installation.

Right now they're trying to get to release point of MTR 4. The team seems pretty busy right now, fwiw.
This is why I will never buy an Apple TV. I want to play my saved movies directly from the .ISO file. I store all my DVD's as .ISO files and want to play directly from that. I don't want to hassle with converting it to some other lower quality format. And so I'm stuck with a Mac Mini instead of ATV because Apple refuses to implement ISO support into the ATV. :mad:
a couple things....

I was using Handbrake 0.9.4 in 64-bit for an AppleTV and my movies wouldn't play after tagging in MetaX. But once I toggled the preference for "large file support 64-bit" in MetaX they worked fine.

I've also been impressed w/ RipIt. I looked at getting MacTheRipper but was put off by the hoops you have to jump through. RipIt was a simple download w/ 10 free rips to see if it works for you. It handled all of the movies I needed so I went for it.
Did you rebuild the presets that come on the slide out menu? There is a button to select just that on the slide out menu at the bottom. The handbrake website says rebuilding the presets need to be done each time you download a new version of handbrake. Not to say that will fix your problem.

I didn't do this. I'll try that and have another go. Thanks.
Hey slick willy let me fix that for you.

blah blah I'm so angry you have a different opinion than me blah blah...

As far as having a factual opinion. I was a big fan of 2.6.6 but decided to opt out of future versions when the donation came to be. Not saying I am opposed to a developed getting paid for their work, that product at that price just wasn't for me.

As far as reliability I am basing this on movies like Up, The Proposal, and Transformers 2 where MTR had at least some difficulty ripping these titles and RipIt worked.

Regarding MTR 4, I am sure that will be a fine product and likely worthy of download, but that is:
1) not available; and
2) not the topic of this thread.

As far as my trying to be funny with the first born bit... had I known this was a Senate Subcommittee hearing, I would have been more serious and come with the facts earlier. I was just posting a quick reply to try and help somebody looking for info, not be a d*ck. Luckily you have that part covered, thanks.
Yeah. I'd like to take a moment to completely disagree with, uh, just about everything that was just said:

1) No. It does not involve "giving up your first born." And you, following that with "I think it requires a donation" is a pretty good indication that you're not only contradicting yourself but are also in need of some solid info. But hey, feel free to speak up with all of that stuff you're not aware of. It's a free country and people like to type. I understand.

2) You wrote: "A much cheaper, and more reliable option is..." I've been using MacTheRipper for years and have had less than 5 dvd failures out of 2500 some-odd movies. For me, it's begun to be problematic on the newer dvds and version 4 is about to be released. My personal success with this product seems to contradicts your "experience."

Lastly, unless you're referring to a genuine test, say, a point by point comparison about reliability, you're just wasting our time.

My advice, do your homework and just speak about your experience until you can make some sense if you want to go so far as to disrespect someone else's product.

That is my $0.02

Further, I am only a fan of MacTheRipper and have no other affiliation besides being a happy, enthusiastic user.

As I contribute to veering off topic, I'm a fan of MTR as well (although I just use HB straight off disk now), but to go any higher than v2.x, you do have to do some sort of back alley "donation" deal to get a license. That's just a fact. You can get a lower version (2.x) that works for most DVD's for free. The bottom line though is that there are significant barriers to entry to getting the most recent version of MTR and at least one of those is financial. In that respect, the OP (wrkgclasshero) was quite accurate in his portrayal of how you get the most recent version of MTR (well, maybe not the newborn thing, but give me a break). You can discuss his unwillingness to pay for the product, but that is really the only thing to lay a glove on there.
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