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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Since it has been reported that the 3GS is capable of 720p recording - what are the chances of us seeing an application (unofficial) that allows this in the near future?

Not possible. It can only record up to what resolution it is which is 480x320. That means it can only record up to 320p. Maybe if you upscaled, it would be 720 but that would look shtty.
Just wanted to add that what I heard was that it can PLAY 720p, not that it can record it. And it won't output 720p to a TV, so there's nothing too exciting about this fact to me.
Not possible. It can only record up to what resolution it is which is 480x320. That means it can only record up to 320p. Maybe if you upscaled, it would be 720 but that would look shtty.

A wha? Then how do you acount for the 3.2 mp images from the camera? It's like saying my digital slr can only shoot at 320 x 240 because thats the size of the lcd on the back ....... The imaging sensor has nothing to do with the resolution of the screen.

And FYI, the images our of the camera are 800 x 600 @ 72ppi

It "can", but there are many limiting factors.
A: is there enough ram to run a intensive application (most likely yes)
B: The CPU is clocked at 600 mhz, but supports 833 mhz top speed. It might require all of the CPU to be used at 100% w. all the other background processes in order to utilize 720p. But the question is, is it possible to un-underclock it?
C: Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it's worth it. The reason why Cycorder and the other jb iPhone video app were created was because there were none. They record frames at a very slow pace, I believe 15 fps? That'll be too laggy and most developers wouldn't see it as a viable usage, especially when the current video can do 30 fps (NTSC standard).
D: back to relating to the CPU issue. The chip "can" do 720p, but it would cause a massive process spike, and would cause heat issues. If uncontrolled, it might even overheat and destroy the phone. (My friend's iPhone 2G became overheated by Cycorder and broke)
It "can", but there are many limiting factors.
A: is there enough ram to run a intensive application (most likely yes)
B: The CPU is clocked at 600 mhz, but supports 833 mhz top speed. It might require all of the CPU to be used at 100% w. all the other background processes in order to utilize 720p. But the question is, is it possible to un-underclock it?
C: Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it's worth it. The reason why Cycorder and the other jb iPhone video app were created was because there were none. They record frames at a very slow pace, I believe 15 fps? That'll be too laggy and most developers wouldn't see it as a viable usage, especially when the current video can do 30 fps (NTSC standard).
D: back to relating to the CPU issue. The chip "can" do 720p, but it would cause a massive process spike, and would cause heat issues. If uncontrolled, it might even overheat and destroy the phone. (My friend's iPhone 2G became overheated by Cycorder and broke)

Interesting thoughts... I wonder if we'll ever know for certain.
I think it can do 720p, if one of those 75 dollar flip camera's can do it, i bet the iphone can too.
YES, the iphone is capable of recording in 720p. The chipset specifications state playback and recording of 720p at 30fps. Now, the only problem is Apple has yet to support/add this feature...
Packfan is probably right and they probably will never feature this because it most likely requires full clock speed.
YES the iPhone is capable of recording on 720p.

I own (2) HD cameras that records on 720p a Kodak Zi6 and a Creative Vado HD (Flip cameras are a joke) hehe.

The Kodak camera haves a 1.6MP camera and records perfect on 720p @60fps.

The Creative Vado haves a HD CMOS (1280 x 720).

The iphone haves a 3MP camera and enought ram and processor power to record on 720p.

Hardware is there to record HD 720p, hopefully someone creates a software to record on 720p on the iphone.
Waiting for app to unlock a feature that should of been included from day one is like waiting for hell to freeze over. Already played 720p video on the iPhone, played fine (imported via DiskAid).
YES the iPhone is capable of recording on 720p.

I own (2) HD cameras that records on 720p a Kodak Zi6 and a Creative Vado HD (Flip cameras are a joke) hehe.

The Kodak camera haves a 1.6MP camera and records perfect on 720p @60fps.

The Creative Vado haves a HD CMOS (1280 x 720).

The iphone haves a 3MP camera and enought ram and processor power to record on 720p.

Hardware is there to record HD 720p, hopefully someone creates a software to record on 720p on the iphone.

Again, Megapixels do not mean anything. My 5mp SLR camera is a lot better than my 12.1mp Point and Shoot camera (both Canon). It's about the lens. Your Creative Vado and Kodak both have larger and better lens than the iPhone. Although the iPhone "can" record 720p, you can't compare cameras to a cell phone. That's like comparing Apples to Oranges (no pun intended)
Again, Megapixels do not mean anything. My 5mp SLR camera is a lot better than my 12.1mp Point and Shoot camera (both Canon). It's about the lens. Your Creative Vado and Kodak both have larger and better lens than the iPhone. Although the iPhone "can" record 720p, you can't compare cameras to a cell phone. That's like comparing Apples to Oranges (no pun intended)

Mega pixels does mean something while recording HD, you will get better and sharper image on the 3GS than the 3G camera if they would be able to record on 720p both of my HD cameras have the same small pin hole lens like the iphone, if set my 2 HD cameras to record on VGA like the iphone the resolution on the iphone is better

Here are some videos I just recorded.

Vado HD set to VGA (downloaded to the PC and then uploaded to youtube)

iPhone 3GS normal VGA ( sent from the phone to youtube)

For me the iPhone kicks the VADO's butt on VGA recording, not counting the auto focus feature
^^^^ on original files they do, on youtube they look very similar^^^^
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