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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 6, 2021
Hi guys wondering if anyone can help me with a problem.

I am trying to install the EdiMax EW-7727 pci card on my G4 MDD. I have downloaded the most up to date Leopard drivers from their site and installed it. System profiler recognises there is an other network card in the pci slot and recognises it has drivers for it. The RALink WirelessUtility app pics up that local wifi networks exist. So showing that the card is recognised and functional but this is where the problem comes in.

The first problem is if demonstrated by connecting it to my iPhone 8+ hotspot. I get a stable connection and all link statistics are good BUT in network preference pane I get "self-assigned IP address". Cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on or how to stop that happening.

Second problem comes from my bloody Sky Q router. I have separated out 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz SSIDs, apparently a problem for some older bits of kit. I have turned off hotspot mirroring on my sky boxes, again apparently a problem with many virtual MAC addresses floating around. So through all of that I am down to one 2.4Ghz sky SSID. The Wireless utility connects for about 5-8 seconds then disconnects and repeats. I managed one time to get to it sit stable for about 10 minutes (through shear luck I might add) but it was the same as with the iPhone, self-assigned IP.

I know this kind of card is used by folk in MDDs using 10.5, that's why I bought it. Does any one have any advice for me? Am I being really thick and missing something obvious here? Thanks in advance for any help.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Having set something like this up but on a G5, here are a few things to check.

- Did you create a new network interface for the card in Network Preferences?

– Just a random guess, but does your SSID have any odd characters in it (dashes, dots, etc) or upper/lowercase letters? Is it more than 8 characters? Perhaps not relevant, but I have an alarm panel at home that absolutely would NOT connect to the network until I renamed the SSID as a short name (five letters), all lower case and with no special characters.

- If all else fails, what happens if you assign the device (in Network Preferences) a static IP address?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 6, 2021
Thanks for the reply!

Yup set up a new network interface via the + button. Clearly sees there is a network interface card in a PCI slot. It changes the number if I move it so the Mac knows its there and its not a slot issue.

Sadly the SSID does not have any funny characters just bog standard alphanumeric.

if I pop in a static IP it does nothing. The link via my iPhone is stable but the IP doesn't do anything and the link via my ISP just pops in and out of disconnection.

I really am unsure what is going on and why it won't even get an IP address from my iPhone hotspot.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 6, 2021
Got it working after a few days of scratching the head. In the end it was a case of tracking down the most up to date drivers for the chip set (I suspect a few folk will say duhhhhh but there you go). Managed to find them on some abandonware driver website and boom it seems to be working now.

If anyone else has this card and needs the drivers that work they are here and are for the PCI/mPCI/CB(RT2860/RT2790/RT309x) chip sets dated 05/18/2010.

The drivers on the CD and on the EdiMax website are from 2008 and did not work for me.
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