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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 29, 2006
hi all,

ran memtest on my MacBook last night, fans started blasting when it launched, so iopened coretempduo to see the temp, and it was a whopping 84*C, is this normal when running a program like that?

with all the MacBook heat issues and all...and sorry if this is a repeat thread...


thats pretty average.

i can make mine hit 90, and i replaced the thermal paste (pre paste it hit 95 on one occasion)
Memtest, unlike most programs, puts the CPU (s) and the RAM into continual, high usage without a break. Rendering in Final Cut, and some games, will do this too.

Almost every other program alternates between disk, memory, CPU usage and idling waiting for user input, so the system has some time to cool down.
84˚C is fine. That's the maximum temperature we've seen my wife's MB reach. The Core Duo is rated up to 100˚C and will shut down at 125˚C.

If it didn't go above 84˚C even with the CPUs being pushed fully, your MB is ok.

thanks alot for all your replies, i can just relax now! thought that temp seemed pretty high, but if its not far off normal anyway, i can deal with that, thanks again guys and gals :D
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