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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 18, 2005
I'm running OS 9.2.2 on a 1.25GHz (single processor) Mirror-Door G4. It's dual-boot (OS X/9.2.2.) with the default OS as 9.2.2

I have a recurring problem in that every now and again (sometimes several times a day, sometimes days/weeks apart), where the machine will freeze and I need to restart. When the machine reboots, it doesn't recognise any system folder (either OS). I get a flashing folder/question mark in the middle of the screen.

The only way I can get the machine to boot up is via the OS X install/restore CD, wait for the installer to load (5 mins!), then quit the installer, select the OS9 system folder at the startup disk, restart and hey presto!

I don't need OS X on this machine - all I really use is Quark 4.1, Photoshop 7, Illustrator 9 and other applications that aren't specifically OSX only. The CD has an OS9 install icon on it, but it's an alias with no link - I get a message saying that the original application cannot be found.

I've re-installed OSX (although this won't have done any good), run DiskWarrior and the Disk Utility from OSX and taken off the applications I use (including all thier preferences files from the system folder) and re-installed them, and still the problems persist.

Is is a 9.2.2 thing?

What happens if during the reboot you hold down the Alt (Option) key? Does the machine recognise the System folders then?
It's just happened again. I booted up with the option key pressed. The hard disk, CD drive and hardware test options were shown - I selected the hard disk and the machine restarted and booted up from the CD. Will run hardware test in a minute...
Hardware test has finished - everything OK inc Ram and mass storage. Restart happened from the CD once more. Going to do the old installer/system disk thing once more - another 5 minutes out of my life!
This looks like an fsck -y is repairing the problem. Are you able to boot into single-user mode (hold down Apple+S) at startup?

If you can, run "/sbin/fsck -y" at the command prompt, then type "reboot"

Otherwise it looks like your hard disk might be starting to go. Does this ever happen in OSX or only in OS9?
Is is a 9.2.2 thing?

No it is the fact that these units will not support OS 9 only as an install. The dual boot is the problem, if Apple would of done their homework and tested it with Pro apps such has Quark, then they would of found the problem. I service one of these units here at work. I think they are lemons. It is the only Mac I have had trouble with. Your problem is the same as I had. You HAVE to install OS X first then OS 9. I've tried, get a message saying something like (paraphasing) 'Can not install OS 9 on this computer, please install OS X'. This unit was re-starting 3-5 a day in OS 9. Yes I did check the hardware, replaced the HD, added more RAM, still the problem persists. Bad idea on Apple's part to limit the hardware to OS X install, IMO. Once we made the switch to Tiger, the problems with this machine disappeared. I just think these units were poorly designed, they run hot and are loud.
oh b*gger! So what is it about the hardware that won't let it boot into 9 without X being present. Does this mean that when 9 is running, it's actually running off the back of classic mode in X?
dazzer21: oh b*gger! So what is it about the hardware that won't let it boot into 9 without X being present. Does this mean that when 9 is running, it's actually running off the back of classic mode in X?

No, it means you can boot in OS 9, but you can't install OS 9 until OS X is present. Believe me I wanted to rid the machine OS X and keep 9. But when I would re-install OS 9 on a re-formatted HD, no go. IMO, this series of computers was one of Apple's worst efforts. They should made the hardware accept either OS without dependency on OS X. The problems you have probably won't go away until you switch to OS X. I tried DiskWarrior, Disk Tools, Tech Tool, nothing helped. Oh by the way DON'T EVER USE NORTON UTILITIES on these units it f..ks them up bad, learned the hard on that one.
Oh great! Another one that I've had recently is that, in an office with six Macs in it including a server and my personal powerbook, one machine can network with ALL the others on the network, and yet ALL the others (including my Powerbook!!!) can SEE all the other machines but can only log onto one at a time - and this happened overnight!!! WHAT?!!!:mad:
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