If you are a member over at AudioKarma then this will be a repost - sorry... but I'm stumped:
Just FYI - Here is my signal chain:
MacPro (2008) --optical --> DEQ2496 --coax--> DAC--analog--> Carver C1 --> Carver TFM25 --> MGII
So - when I play flac files, in any application... and I switch from 44.1K to 96K in audio/midi setup, its like someone *cranked* the treble knob... Its a lot brighter at 96K.
Source files have been 44.1 and 48K.. so the Mac is upsampling to 96k..
My DAC is a 24/192 diy kit I got of the 'bay a few years ago its got decent specs for the D/A (PCM1798)...
I'm running 10.9...
Just FYI - Here is my signal chain:
MacPro (2008) --optical --> DEQ2496 --coax--> DAC--analog--> Carver C1 --> Carver TFM25 --> MGII
So - when I play flac files, in any application... and I switch from 44.1K to 96K in audio/midi setup, its like someone *cranked* the treble knob... Its a lot brighter at 96K.
Source files have been 44.1 and 48K.. so the Mac is upsampling to 96k..
My DAC is a 24/192 diy kit I got of the 'bay a few years ago its got decent specs for the D/A (PCM1798)...
I'm running 10.9...