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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Hey everyone, I hope that someone knows how to help me out with these issues...

First, i just downloaded the "MakeiPhoneRingtone" program, and it works. The only problem is that I don't think I have a program that can cut audio down to <40 seconds.... Does anyone know if there is a free program I can download to do it??

Secondly, I am a college student at UTK. Anyways, we have a campus-wide WiFi network for students/etc to use their laptops around campus, but I can't get my iPhone to find it. When I am on campus, it forces me to use edge, bc it isnt finding the network? Anyone have any similar problems with this, or know how I can resovle it?

Thanks in advance!
1. try using quicktime or iMovie .... both will work for the time being although time consuming

2. contact yout IT department I had the same problem and although I didnt know how they managed to fix a similar problem for me!
1. try using quicktime or iMovie .... both will work for the time being although time consuming

2. contact yout IT department I had the same problem and although I didnt know how they managed to fix a similar problem for me!

I'll try iMovie out, thanks!

As far as the WiFi, did you just call and tell them that your iPhone wouldn't pick up, and they took care of it?? Is so, thats great, I hope it works the same here.
I'll try iMovie out, thanks!

As far as the WiFi, did you just call and tell them that your iPhone wouldn't pick up, and they took care of it?? Is so, thats great, I hope it works the same here.

Well it wasnt a phone and it wasnt a university but they were more than happy to help at my school....

I mean that is what they are paid for.
R U Sure have iPhoneRingToneMaker???

I am currently looking at my software and if you are using the correct software and version you can cut the song right there in iPhoneRingToneMaker. If you drag and drop your song into the software and adjust your Start and End times manually or dragging the little red arrow it will allow you to create a 30 sec clip. Then you click the create Ringtone Button and its Done.

You can also use Audacity to create anything and its free but in this case you don't need it.

Sorry can't help you with the college/wifi thing.

Hope this helps...Good Luck
you could always use garage band too.
also at my college when your on their wifi and open your browser you are directed to a page where you have to sign in. not sure if yours makes you do that? my iphone cant view that page.
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