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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 11, 2004
San Francisco, CA
Since I am one of those early adopters, I've discovered a couple of bugs in Entourage 2004:

Internet iCal Invites: E2004 does not properly translate Internet iCal entries generated from Lotus Notes. Entourage X used to do it perfectly, but E2004 seems to have broken it. Major inconvenience for me and my Mac customers who want to keep their Notes and Entourage calendars synched.

Preview Pane on Right and "Display Relative Dates" Option: If you have the Preview Pane on the right, the message view will always display relative dates (Today, Yesterday, etc.), regardless of whether you have the option selected or not. The odd thing was I had it de-selected in Entourage X, and it worked fine with the right-hand preview, until I toggled the switch.
the thread would end up be shorter if everyone just listed things that are NOT issues.
How come when I click "send and recieve all", my Entourage will about half the time tell me that "send and recieve all" will run in less than a minute? It will, about 40 seconds later, in fact run. I have never seen this, and doesn't seem to be a scheduling attribute. It is however a pain in the ass because sometimes I just want it to send/recieve and be done instead of waiting around for a while, THEN doing it.
after i quit out of entourage there is a clicking sound, like my computer is accessing the harddrive, even though no programs are open, then i check top in the terminal and see "microsoft" i quit it and the clicking stops,

btw this is in the test drive version, does it doe this to anyone in the regular version? if you can do a test for me, run entourage, quit it and check top to see if "microsoft" is still running.

only other issue i have with it is it doesn't search mail content like can. otherwise i think the new veiw is spectacular, i hope apple implements a similar style in the next mail
You're welcome.

I wonder why the test drive would be different (other than features)? It could be the Microsoft Update thing, but I doubt it. I have no clue why that would change anything for the test drive. Hmm.
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