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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 8, 2008
Ok so I have iPhone 1st gen 8gigs currently have 2.1 I can update to 2.2 through iTunes just havn't done it yet.

My questions are this..
Once I do the whole process and Cyndia and Installer are on my iPhone how exactly do I get the apps? And how do I put them on there?

Also, How do I put skins on it and where can I find skins for my iPhone.

I appreciate the help.

I have Windows Vista so winpwn i believe is how I go about starting the hacking.
Don't install Installer. Just use Cydia. Then go into Cydia, look at the Featured apps. There will be Winterboard, Cycorder, and a bunch of others. You can also use the Search function of Cydia to find Winterboard themes. Install what you like.

Then go into Winterboard, it will be an icon on your iPhone, and activate the Winterboard features you have installed. Be ready for things to look odd till you get used to it.

But Installer is all but useless.
So when I use Cydia on my iPhone it's just like APP Store? Like it uses my phone connection online? And after I do all this can I use iTunes to put music on myiPhone or is that a no-no and i should use a 3rd party music->iphone prog?
And is there a link with a link for new software for a new tut for 1st Gen iPhones using 2.2.
Cydia is kinda like AppStore. You can DL apps, themes, ringtones, etc. It's categorized somewhat like the app store is.

After successful JB, you can continue to use iTunes to sync music, photos, and everything. Keep on using the app store. All the normal stuff works as normal, plus you have all the cool stuff as well.

As for how to jailbreak, I used quickpwn22 as opposed to winpwn. it took like 10 minutes. Then the fun begins!
As far as Tut goes they havn't posted one yet for 2.2 but would you think 2.1 would be along the lines of the same thing?
As far as Tut goes they havn't posted one yet for 2.2 but would you think 2.1 would be along the lines of the same thing?

if you are going to go with firmware 2.2, do that first via iTunes ***before*** you jailbreak. The big heartburn is, the next time you upgrade firmware via iTunes (after jalbreaking), all your coolness is gone. The normal stuff is all there, but the fun toys, it's as if it's never been.

So if you want 2.2, load it first, then jailbreak with quickpwn22.

I think that was your question?
I what I am asking is this..

I have currently 2.1 on my phone

uh... lol

How do I get started? Do I use quickpwn 2.2 or use quickpwn 2.1?

I'm really confused...I'm sorry new
I what I am asking is this..

I have currently 2.1 on my phone

uh... lol

How do I get started? Do I use quickpwn 2.2 or use quickpwn 2.1?

I'm really confused...I'm sorry new

No worries. We're all new at something. I'm not exactly a member of the Genius Bar myself...:D

If it was me, I would upgrade to 2.2 via iTunes. Then JB with quickpwn22.

Here is a video of someone doing exactly this. Search youtube, there's about a zillion videos using quickpwn22. This one kinda is a sucky video....
Lol alright well guess I am going to do it! Wish me luck. I'll post back with any more questions hopefully someone will still be on tonight.
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