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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Or maybe remedy isn't the word, either?
Anyway, after reading around for weeks online when my Coolpix 8800 died in mid-June this year, I gave up on it and got my Rebel XT (which I'm glad I did, anyway). It appeared there was no cure for the System Error 2, which would lock up your 8800 after taking just a single shot, and you'd have to reboot. According to many, even sending it in to Nikon just delayed the problem for a while. So yeah, I gave up.

Then, I got this brilliant idea just now. I wished I had a spare camera body to convert for IR use (after reading Chip's thread, and also discovering the R72 filter is pretty useless on a 350D). Man, wouldn't it be great if my 8800 still worked?! On a whim, I called Nikon tech support, luckily open 24/7. After sorting through the canned solutions I expected to hear, "Robert" (if that was his real name) suggested something I had not read before... "Haf ju tried resetting the cameera?"

"no... no, I haven't. I wasn't aware there was such an option."

He showed me how to do it, very simple stuff. So I don't know how many of you have had this error, but it's a pretty popular model, and an extremely common issue, so if only for the sake of helping people who are searching Google for an answer, here's how to fix it.

Rotate the control dial on the top of the camera to the SET UP position.
Cycle through the menu options down to where you see "reset camera"
It will erase all your settings, but you don't really care at this point, do you?
Select "yes"

Take a shot. If you still get the message, turn it off and try the resetting again. On my third attempt, after resetting, I was able to take five shots before it locked up again! FIVE! Then, when I rebooted, I took three, had to reboot, and then I took NINE!

I don't know how long this little trick will work, but for now, it appears my camera is healing!

The answer seems so obvious, but not once did I come across it online, not even among Nikon's suggestions.

"OMG!!" (taken with iSight, when I got an all-time "high score" of 17 pictures with the 8800 before it locked up)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
17? You're happy with that? It's an expensive camera, and all you can do is take 17 shots?

I'd tell Nikon that you've had the problem for a long long time, and that they should fix it in good faith. Maybe they'll laugh at you, but it will probably depend on the person who picks up the phone, which manager is on duty, etc. Just try it. You spent so much money on that thing, I can understand why you went with a Canon 350D over the D50. I'd get the Canon just because it didn't say "Nikon."


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Abstract said:
17? You're happy with that? It's an expensive camera, and all you can do is take 17 shots?

Yes, I'm quite happy. You see, I thought before that it was completely dead. Like, totally and utterly unusable. The boot up time isn't too bad on it, so having to reboot every 20 shots isn't too bad. You have to remember, this thing does not have the fps of an SLR. Its like .3fps. Unless you shoot in normal quality. Which I don't.

And this is only after a few tests. It may very well work better and better.

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
I'm with Abstract, I'd call and see about getting it repaired.

I'm stoked that you're stoked, but man - 17 shots? Nikon can do better than that....

*lovingly pats Canon gear*


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Okay, new test results indicate that it has apparently completely risen from the dead. As in, 35 shots before I got bored with it and turned it off.

Now to rename it Lazarus8800 or Phoenix8800?


macrumors 68020
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
God, thanks for posting this as I am sure I will avoid that model like a plague. My Canon D30 has been working without any reboot for the last 2 weeks or so (since I got it new). Even my old HP camera (very old one with a measly 1.6 MP) has never locked up to this day.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
YS2003 said:
God, thanks for posting this as I am sure I will avoid that model like a plague. My Canon D30 has been working without any reboot for the last 2 weeks or so (since I got it new). Even my old HP camera (very old one with a measly 1.6 MP) has never locked up to this day.

Yeah, I don't recommend it since the incident. However, prior to that, I had no gripes at all; a really nice SLR-like prosumer camera. Sharp images, great features, full manual options. But yeah, System Error 2 really sucks.


macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2007
Nikon 8800 workaround

If you don't mind shooting without the VR mode, this may be a workaround the System Error 2 bug. I turned mine off and squeezed off at least 20 shots without the error showing up. With the VR on, if you see the scene "jump" through the viewfinder after the camera has focused, you can be pretty sure you'll get a SE2 after the shot saves. If this pans out (I plan to test it more), one can come to the conclusion that the VR unit is defective. Since Nikon has discontinued the camera (I wonder why?), I doubt new improved units will be designed and manufactured just to retrofit old models. Electronics change fast, but I guess the lesson here is to wait at least a year before making a buying decision on something as complex as a digital camera, especially in the $1000 price range.:mad:


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2007
I have a another possible solution for the System error, I have used it and it worked fine. All I had to do is format the SD card in my PC... The process is describe in more detail here Nikon System Error


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
ok.... I still haven't experianced this issue with mine. But was thinking about trading it in for a DSLR either an xti or D40x or D40. (will i notice a difference going down from 8 to 6 MP)
What do you think i could get for my 8800?
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