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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
So I think the automatic Do Not Disturb Whilst Driving mode is a great way to reduce distractions whilst driving especially if you have a 3rd party smart watch like I do.

However there is one limitation that I feel should have been addressed and that is when the phone is unlocked and using a navigation app.

Right now when the phone is unlocked using a navigation app such as TomTom all notifications come through as normal as Do Not Disturb Whilst Driving doesn’t activate.

What I believe should happen is developers could set a flag on their app to tell iOS it’s a navigation app and then Do Not Disturb Whilst Driving can still activate as normal. I believe this will be a huge win for road safety as I believe the DNDWD mode a very good feature, however lots of people use their iPhones as sat navs in cheap window holders as not every vehicle has CarPlay so in this case DNDWD doesn’t activate.

On the CarPlay note I have also noticed when using CarPlay apps that don’t have a CarPlay feature also still send notifications as the smart watch still buzzes for them. Thankfully I don’t get a huge amount of notifications but for someone who gets loads I can imagine it being very annoying. I believe that CarPlay should block all notifications for apps without a CarPlay mode.

I know I can manually set DND mode but my job means I do a lot of short journeys with gaps of work in between so manually activating DND is a bit of a pain.


macrumors member
Aug 31, 2007
I've been playing around with DND WD the last few days, and it's still just as broken in 13 as it was in 12. The short of it is - when you're using a navigation app it *does* activate as normal, however it directly inherits the setting of what to do with notifications from *REGULAR* DND which is ridiculous.

Try this:

Set DND to allow notifications when the screen is active, and turn DND WD on, set up your GPS and go driving while a friend texts you. Ding, ding, ding. Annoying as hell.

Change DND to not allow notifications when the screen is active, and keep everything else the same. Glorious silence.

Why it thinks I want DND WD and using navigation to act the same as my scheduled DND when I'm up late and using my phone in bed is ridiculous. So now I have to keep changing settings every day for it to work as logic would suggest. I'll be filing this one with them too, I encourage anyone who uses navigation but not CarPlay to do the same. I can't see this being fixed though, as it's been broken for a long time it seems.
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