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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 3, 2005
How long would a macbook take?

How many can be purchased per household? Can both my sisters purchase one, as they both attend different universities?

Thanks :)
Yes, your sisters can *each* buy (per Academic Year)

1 Desktop
1 Portable
1 Mini
1 of each iPod Family

As long as each sibling is a registered student
NATO said:
Yes, your sisters can *each* buy (per Academic Year)

1 Desktop
1 Portable
1 Mini
1 of each iPod Family

As long as each sibling is a registered student

Alright, thanks, and also, I don't know if you'd know this, but I've heard that discounts vary across universities from 8% to 15%, respectively. I know that my older sister's university (Bath) is 15%, but I am not sure about my other sister's university (Bristol).

Do you know how I could find out? And does the process take much longer than a standard non-educational macbook with 80GB HD and 1GB RAM?
I'm not sure that different universities have different discount rates (although it's possible). In the UK, the best ways to buy are:

1. Using a university computer, logon to and then click into the Education store (obviously selecting Higher Education to get the top discount)

2. Phone Apple on 0800 039 1010 and when you speak to the sales rep, tell him/her you want Higher Education pricing and they'll complete the order

3. If you have an NUS card, go to and logon. Then click the link to the Apple store on the NUS homepage and it'll take you through the NUS Apple store which has the discount (this is handy as you don't have to be at a Uni computer to access online).

(the discount % is the same for all three as far as I'm aware : approx 15% on computer hardware, approx 8% on ipods etc)

It doesn't take any longer for orders to ship etc, I've noticed no difference whatsoever between that and the full retail store. They *might* phone and ask for proof of student ID, but that obviously won't be a prob I'm sure :)
mattjgalloway said:
Umm where does it say you can only buy 1 portable, 1 desktop, etc each?

when you go to apple store, click on Education(far right), click on college student, and either it'll ask you to find your school, or you already had a school chosen (in which case you click on "find your school"), after you found your school, it shows the limitations
From the US store: Linkety.

Faculty, Staff and Students purchasing from the Apple Store for Education Individuals will be allowed to purchase the following quantities of product per academic school year:

Desktop: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Mac mini: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Laptop: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Display: A maximum of two (2) may be purchased per academic year
Software: A maximum of two (2) per software title may be purchased per academic year
iPod: One (1) per iPod family (iPod, iPod nano, iPod Shuffle 1GB) may be purchased per academic year (Note: there is no quantity limitation on iPod Shuffle 512MB)
iSight: One (1) may be purchased per academic year

**The above purchases can be made either online or through your Authorized Campus Reseller. Total product quantities remain the same regardless of where your purchase is made.
Unspeaked said:
I don't believe there's any such limit mentioned in the UK edu store.

I thought I read about purchase limits a while back but when I went to look this evening I couldn't find anything. Saying that, even if there aren't strict purchase limits from the UK store, I'm sure Apple might get a little suspicious if you've bought 3 or more laptops in an academic year ;)
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